Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We Have Ducks!

I took this shot of ducks from my deck. You can only see three, but there were actually four. One huge, with some smaller ones following. They sure are pretty. A sign for us of Spring because some come every year about this time. They fly up the creek and float down. Then they rest in a calm spot right in front of our house. We like ducks.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome. It is restful watching wild animals in their habitat.

Anonymous said...

i understand with a little pineapple and papaya they are pretty good. :)

Unknown said...

I wonder how many ducks that are shot actually end up on the table?? Seems most people I speak to hate to clean out the buckshot. I knew a guy once, that as a child killed a crow. His father made him eat it. I kinda adopted the same philosophy, so when my kids were young, and they were tempted to squash something, I'd warn them that 'they'd have to eat it'.

Anonymous said...

i guess that is one of the positive things about being raised a vegenatarian. we killed alot of slugs. mom used to buy beer and put it in a bowl, the slugs would crawl into the bowl and drink the beer and then drink so much that they would fall into it and drown. it was funny to watch mom go into freddies and buy beer. the looks that she got when she met another good sda and she has a sixer in the basket.
anyway, we were never allowed to have guns when i was a kid. oh well now im making up for it.

Sandi Hooper said...

Wow, they are so beautiful! I love how colorful they are. Lucky drakes, now you just need some hens and you'll have little quakers bobbing along soon...

Thanks for a sweet photo.

Peter said...

Yes; they are beautiful. Some years there are other varieties. We have seen some chicks in the past. Hey other, I'm wondering, did your mom get drunk eating those slugs?

Jim said...

There's a lesson there. Don't fall into your bowl of beer...or you may be in the company of a bunch of slugs.

P.S. Nice pic.

Sandi Hooper said...

We have big Vs of Aluetian Geese flying over. We call them "honkers". I enjoy them each year going back and forth. I hope Jim will post a photo of them for you to see.

Anonymous said...

If you reread the post it says we were raise vegaterian. But then does a slug fall into the area of meat? Hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Have snow and ducks across from me, great to watch, cat's have fun crossing the road to try to get to them,.... Also we have birds that come into our yard.

Bonnie said...

What a beautiful picture. It looks like they are talking to eachother. If you blow it up it looks like two crocadiles heading out to get some duck meat.

Hey Dick I remember that, I also remember dad and Doug using salt on them. Hey I wonder if anyone has ever thought of instead of beer an slugs with salt, use taquila and slugs with a dash a salt instead of the worm. You should try it out for us Dick. Maybe you could come up with a whole new drink and get rich.

Did you know that Dougs latest idea is a chicken farm so he can sell eggs?

Bonnie said...

OK, who can find the crocs?

Anonymous said...

upper right had corner. i think the other went underwater. :)