Saturday, February 14, 2009

Latest news on Chardo !

Just wanted to share my good news with everyone. My son is on his way home ! I just got a letter from him yesterday. He has been worried about getting an interstate transfer. He just found out, when he gets out, he will be free of any supervision. So coming to Oregon, visiting in Cali, it's all good. He won't need permission, doesn't have to be supervised. He will walk out of that place and come home. What a great relief.

He is done with his programing. That is what he needs to go through prior to release. They actually have a great program in Washington. There is an intense period of time they have to go through full disclosure, phycological testing, groups workshops, individual working through ' stuff '. It's important for them to acknowledge their crimes, work through the reasons they got there and get them selves ready to face life outside of the structure they have lived in. It's important to understand criminal mentality and not to use excuses for wrong behaviours. It takes a lot of energy andf guts to face yourself. I'm not so sure anyone would do well really facing the truth of their lives. So it hasn't been any easy year for him at all.

But it's over and he's on the home stretch. And he is doing great. I am so excited and can't wait for him to join the family again. He has been a blessing to me for years and I know he will touch everyone's hearts and you will all feel the blessing of knowing him. He has gone through so much and come so far and now I know God will use him in a special way that He has prepared him for.

Pray for him / us that this last few months will go smooth and quickly.


Peter said...

Great news Suzie. I have real confidence that he will do well when he gains his freedom. He understands that all he has been given is a gift, and he doesn't take it lightly. I'll be so good to see him.

Bonnie said...

I have been thinking of Chardo a lot lately and sorry I haven't written him for a while. We all live our lives daily with no thought how easy we have it and forget there are others that have gone through more than we can imagine and each day is full of challenges. I can't imagine the excitement you are feeling and even more the excitement and apprehention Chardo must be feeling now as the day approaches when he is a free man. It wont be easy for him. All the changes since he has gone to prison are going to be so much to take in. We will continue to pray for him and the adjustments ahead. I'll get a note off to him.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait. I miss him. I wonder if him and I will act like we are 12 again. lol. listening to Kiss and laughing. Im happy for him and all of you. and me too. :)

Sandi Hooper said...

I really looking forward to meeting Chardo, susie. Hope tht this time goes quicky for you both.


Jim said...

I read your post last night when it was still in draft form, and I thought to myself, 'Wow, what an experience this has been for everyone.' Chardo has had experiences that I cannot imagine. He is entering the world as an adult and not a young man.

For some reason I sense that he is a very special person, a person that you only meet a few of in ones lifetime. I feel that he has made a positive impact on those around in past and he will too in the future.

Love, Jim

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I'm so happy to hear that Chardo is coming home. It will be great to meet him at the reunion. Keep us up on how we can pray for him as he makes these transitions. I know it will be hard for everyone, changes don't come easily. At least they never have in my life!! What joy to hear this great seems like a long time coming and you have been a faithful and strong Mom for him. I admire you both. Love, Gi

Anonymous said...

That is so cool. Is he going to get any more time off his sentence or is he still set for Aug. 12th???