Sunday, February 15, 2009

More snow over in Weed

No snow people, do snow angels count? Yep, it dumped more on us last night.



Peter said...

Now that is a lot of snow!

Jim said...

Peter, I hope you take a good long look about how a snow angel is made. Take a lesson. Come on, it's not that hard. All that good snow up your way just going to waste.

Peter said...

I have just enough left to make about 1 snowball. Isn't it great to watch kids have so much fun? Truly, snow appears to be an angels element.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how much you had gotten. It doesn't look like the 4 feet that I had expected you all to get. I don't have much here but that is ok with the little car. I have to go to Redding tomorrow and really don't want to drive in it that far. If it snows while I am down there, I am going to stay the night. Have to go to the bank. Got a great Valentine's Day present. The ins. check finally came in. Now I can pay off a lot of stuff. I will feel a lot better when it is done.

Teresa and I have been talking about building a Japanese memorial shrine here. We are going to place Ben's ashes there. It will be open to any family members who wish to be placed there. It will take a bit to build but that is our plan.

Hope you all have a good day. Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Illa, just wanted to let you know, Lisi, Jess and me, wish to be placed there, so family know you all can know where to find us, if and when the time, comes, also know Illa, when I go, all my animals that I have had cremated will be put in with my ashes, and I wish to have it where any animal that goes can go into mine, so it get's heavier and heavier, laugh,..

Sandi Hooper said...

Thank you for the beautiful snow photos! How cute and looks like they're having such fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Then they should all feel at home. Our back yard has been the cemetary for all our animals. Teresa, BJ and I all had a good laugh when picturing Ben stopping at the Rainbow Bridge to pick up all our animals. The cats out number the dogs. Won't even try to figure the ratio. It will be interesting to see when it is my time how things worked out. I can still see him hollering and chasing the cats. What's he going to shoo them away from now?

I hope you are resting Teresa from all that shoveling. Your friend in Argentina, or Brazil (which ever) is worried about you. Hope all is well there. Talk to you tomorrow.

My snow is all gone. Melted today while I was away. Has been really windy tho the last 2 days. Must mean it is blowing the storm right on over. The west side of Hatchet got all our snow. It was all the way down into Ingot Canyon. Several feet on Hatchet.

Take care everyone. Talk to you all later. Love Illa

Teresa Garcia said...

We'd been expecting the power to go out again, and he knows about all the snow. We touched bases last night. I didn't hear the phone beep when he messaged me to check on me (I forgot it by the bed) and Athena was on the computer so he couldn't check on me through that route. >_< I scared him because if someone says something I usually answer within a few minutes and it was a half hour after, and being back inside when I heard the phone beep with another email (and he knew very well I wasn't going to be driving). He knows I'm ok now...

Good to know that I've got such good friends that care so much about my safety. I'm resting, and my back actually feels a lot better than I expected it to...

Though it still bugs him that he's not closer so he can help me shovel snow when needed. I tell you, the help would be appreciated.

Guess what? It's still snowing... The kids are happy about this. So am I, even though I'm no fan of shoveling. I'd love to go skiiing, snow should be really good up there, and it can't be any worse than slalom racing in a blizzard!

LOL, 1998 was an awesome year. Athena is wanting to try skiing soon.

Anonymous said...

i had to laugh. i remember him looking around to make sure that you weren't around before he used the water hose on the cats. here he is making sure he dosn't get caught like a little kid. it was just funny.

Alilia said...

Illa I am going to pick my urn out and give it to you, and you'll laugh!!!! I wish to add sand to it from where Ben Lisi and I with the kids spent that time gathering rocks and all together, also used to add the ashes of the animal's and cigarette's, to into, personal joke,.... You know me and my allergies,,,..... Get the Idea, I do know where to go.,, love Lili