Thursday, February 26, 2009

PHC Day a.k.a. "Gizzard Day"

Everyone around me is getting sick, so I thought I’d better take matters in my own hands and do something about it. I took the day off. There's no telling when my gizzard may flare up.

No use in tempting fate and having some kid sneeze in class and me catch something I want to avoid. Why wait until you’re sick to take a day off? I don’t want to get TTD or DGAD! After all, what a waste of a sick day. I hate to use my sick days being sick. I do really stupid things like get sick on the weekends. Anyway, Dick has been here for a few days and we’re going fishing today.

After all, I’ve not taken any time off since Gonzo was born and took ½ day off to watch him so Claudia could catch some extra sleep.
Well, we didn’t catch any fish, but we found some wood. It was a good day.

PHC(Proactive Health Care)


Bonnie said...

Wow, this picture makes me drewl. I can almost smell the crisp air and the wonderful smells and sounds of nature. I want a little cabin right there where Dick is sitting. Can you imagine fishing right off your porch and listening to river. Rick would love this picture and wish he was right there with you.
I am so glad you made this trip Dick, you really deserve it. I envy you guys being together.

Bonnie said...

Hey baby bro, are those glasses you have on? Didn't notice until I blew you up.
OH Ya, you were right about the crocs.

Anonymous said...

yep, them are glasses. ive had them for about 6 yrs now. i wear them most of the time. driving, reading, seeing. ya know the getting older thing.

Anonymous said...

Any day out in nature is a good day. Even when it is rainy and foggy. We love the coast area. Teresa and I are still planning to make the trip in the middle of March. We are taking the little care so we can't take much. Thank heavens. We usually pack even the kitchen sink. Comes from having kids and taking them with you every where. Glad you are having a good time.

Sandi Hooper said...

Illa, be sure and let me know if you want me to set up a speaking gig at our school's library, or maybe the high school library. I'll need a couple of weeks to organize it, so be sure and let me know. Email me. And if you're not ready for that right now, no worries. We crave to see you guys again. Kathy just asked about you the other day too.

See you soon.

Anonymous said...

You know, I hadn't thought about that. We do have a couple of books that we could sell. I will have to dig them out. Hope Teresa see's this and lets me know if she would like to as we would be there during the week.

Even to get some pre orders would be good. I forgot with apying the blls that I wanted to get extra books. This would just make it more important. Thank you.

Teresa Garcia said...

We can do that. Sounds like a good plan. Getting orders of any sort is good, and talking about the book, the series, the characters, etc is good PR... and might get someone interested in the writing process. The kid that wrote Eragon was only 17 after all.