Friday, February 27, 2009

Like a Vapor

James 4:14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.


other said...

I know we don't need much reminder after Ben has left us, about how temporal life is. But when I saw, the very next day, that my Hobbit was gone, it reminded me of the James scripture. And it reminded me how important my family is to me, and how much I miss you. And I shouldn't put off telling you, or finding opportunity to spend those special times with you. Let's not get so busy that we don't make time for the important things. Love ya all. Peter

Anonymous said...

Which reminds me ... Darryl & I have been trying to take the time to come visit you Peter & Jim; but first I lose my resident manager and now my longest and oldest resident is dying and I can't really leave for any time or go too far.

She needs her meds @ 2-3 hours apart. Our Mary came with the house when I bought it, so she is really family. She's also 94 so it is time for her to leave this world. This will be my 3rd Hospice in 4 months. Hopefully I will find someone to work the shifts I need before summer.

Lili kindly offered to come help me; but I have to remind everyone; there is a process to being able to even sleep under my roof, let alone help out. I'll get her processed then she can come help me some. But this is a grueling hard job; just getting trained to do it in my home takes weeks before I can leave anyone alone for more then a couiple hours. The last lady I trained left after her first 24 hour day and told me, my home was the very best one she'd seen but 'no thanks', she wasn't up to the pace of the job here.

Hope to be on the road again soon !! Love to visit everyone.

Jim said...

Peter, I’m really glad that you recognized how wise that James guy is. He was a really smart guy wasn’t he? Those words of wisdom that have stood the test of time. Wow, what more could he have hoped for than to have his words live for the ages. He had a great teacher! It is so important to be able to recognize the perceived importance of things that take up our time and the things that are indeed important. Sorry about your Hobbit, but more important is the memory of Illa bringing Ben to CC and us all being together. That is a great memory. Dick being here and being able to spend time together is a good thing.

Suzi, every time I hear little snippets about what you do in your line of work I gain an higher respect for you. I couldn’t do it, but I admire you for doing it. Thank you. I am interested in it from the perspective of an existence after death and what part the soul plays in it, but the process of getting there is very hard to deal with. I think when my time comes I’m going to flag down and iceberg.