Saturday, February 14, 2009

DO NOT click on this title unless you have about 5 minutes you want to fritter away.

I've been feeling a little green today, and feeling green reminds me of other green times.

FYi: P.S. I'm prepared, but not ready to get sick again. I fixed the sink.


Anonymous said...

ya know. i was wondering what your point was. then i saw the mention of the sea sickness pill and realized that you actually had a morale. and figured i didnt need to read the rest. well i was wrong and thats 15 mins of life ill never get back, and im glad.
The other point of the story is " if God wanted us to eat things that walked on the bottom of the ocean. he would have given us gills"
Good story Jim

Peter said...

I told ya not to eat those things! Your story made me remember, all too vividly, my bouts with sea sickness. I felt a little nauseated just reading about that poor fellow.Ugh.

Sandi Hooper said...

This is for bun and all the reasons he asks why:

Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is no more than six "steps" away from each person on Earth. The easier way to understand this is that person A only needs a maximum of five people in between to connect to person B.(Supposing person A and B don't know each other.)"


Anonymous said...

Ya but,

I believe that you are forgeting to factor the common denominator that is inhearant in all living singents. And that is a divisable quotiant of the total numerical factor of the whole equation.

Teresa Garcia said...

Tuna fish, onion, and tomato onion sandwiches on a boat with a diesel engine sound safer...

Though now I want tuna... hold the really big waves, crab boats, and poorly draining sinks...

Anonymous said...

Poorly draining sinks is why they invented the porcelin throne. Works better.

Reminds me of when you took Ben and me out fishing. He shot at sharks and I was the one on the front deck. I don't recommend hotdog and scrambled eggs before going out there in a small boat. Jim cooked. I don't do so bad when the boat is bigger.
