Saturday, August 22, 2009

Can you believe it?

I step out to get the paper and who walks behind me? You guessed it. The Big Guy, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Oh-mah, or whatever he's know by in your neck of the woods. Lucky for me I had a camera, albeit, one that takes a fuzzy picture. Could it be that Bigfoot is just kind of fuzzy in real life? Anyway, there he was right outside our front door trying to steal the paper.


Anonymous said...

maybe he was looking for his namesake?

Anonymous said...

Or maybe he needed paper really really bad?? Tired of pine comes?

Peter said...

Well Jim, it's about time there was conclusive evidence; living on faith always looks to that relief.

Jim said...

Faith is full of belief in what we all want to happen, or be, isn't it? When we see the evidence to the extent of which we accept, we believe. Is the absence of proof, proof of absence?

Peter said...

Do I 'want' a chair to hold me up before I have faith that it will? No, conviction has much more to do with faith than want.

And- no, it aint. Absence of proof just means we gotta keep our camera's around our necks. But actually, all allegories fail. Technically, Faith's object has a more mystical connection to us than a chair:
Jesus said, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day". John 6.44

First this comes, then comes faith.