Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Latest from me

Well, it's been quiet here in McCloud for a while now. Everyone is long ago dug out, the lights are on, and the snow is melting enough that when you drive over the hill, you can see even more of the trees that fell over. School is going well for me, not so well for Athena due to some oddness between her and the teacher... Merlin is doing well and beginning to work with other students.

It's not going as well for a couple of my friends though. One (whose name I can not give out publicly, but can mention in email as long as you also promise not to mention her name openly) has had her husband lose his job and may lose the home that they, her mother, and her pets shared. Mom in her awesomeness will be letting them pull an RV in to dad's hookup if it comes down to that and they aren't able to find somewhere else where he can get work, until they are on their feet... meaning that the software man may have to commute to Redding looking for work in that eventuality.

My friend that edited my latest book for me is losing her welfare funding, and is trying to get her SSI. She has severe diabetes and can't stay on her feet for long at all due to some very bad arthritis and other things. So she is pushing harder at trying to get her freelance editing going. If you click the title link, it will take you to a post on StarDragon Press's blog giving more info and contact information. So if you know anyone needing books edited or even a college student needing a paper looked over, please pass her info along. She has a large family and both her and her husband are disabled.

Adam has also been hit by the bad luck stick, and tore the ligaments of his left foot off the bone, so he's currently on Vicodin and crutches. He was trying to help a friend of his that had been cutting out in the woods and had the misfortune of the battery going dead in his rig. So Adam, being helpful, went out to bring a spare and intended to bring the other battery to his house to charge it... and stepped in a hole out there, necessitating a jaunt to ER.

So keep these people in your prayers please. Much love to you all!



Peter said...

Good to hear from you Teresa. And good to hear that you are doing will in school. Sorry about your friends and Adam. We will pray for them.

Jim said...

This growing up thing isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'm 54 and still not ready for it. It seems like everywhere I turn people have issues that they're dealing with. Keep on keeping on. You're doing a good thing going to school and raising your family.

glenda said...

Teresa, it's good to hear how life is for you, your family and friends. I think it is harder to be a young mom in today's society, compared to when I was a young mom. Keep up the good work.

Peter said...

I mean doing 'wEll'! Please say hi to Athena and Merlin from Uncle Peter, Aunt Karen

Teresa Garcia said...

I figured that's what you meant Uncle. I'll tell them you say hi. I know they look forward to seeing you again.

lueria said...

sorry your friends are going thru hard times. I learn more and more how awesome our parents did thru all the bumps in the road. Its hard Teresa dealing with kids hard times on ours too. Your a great mom. hugs