Tuesday, February 23, 2010

News from Loma Linda

I'm keeping a journal because........I don't know, just because. Click the title if you have the time.


Peter said...

Jim; from what I read, you are living the 'Life of Riley'. Sounds like a resort/spa! I thought the whole thing was going to be hard. Are you sure your GPS didn't get your addresses mixed up? I suppose we'll keep praying for you anyway; especially now that we know that you've been suckered into some Buddhist cult.

Randy said...

Knowing my dad, if he was suckered into anything there were likely donuts involved...in which case can you blame him?

Peter said...

Yer right Randy, I'm with your dad- don't ever tempt me with donuts. And Delilah said, 'show me the source of your strength, and I'll give you a maple bar'.

Teresa Garcia said...

Just ONE maple bar? I thought you'd be able to hold out for two!

Jim said...

Riley was a very optimistic person. He didn't dwell on the negative things of life. He didn't complain if his donut had a hole in it either. Besides, Riley's God loves Buddhists too.

Illa Garcia said...

Pretty good. I can just picture everything. Especially the walking. Ben and I did a lot of that when we went to the City of Hope in Duarte. how close is Loma Linda to that?

Jim said...

I don't know, but I'll look it up. Loma Linda is about 60 miles east of the city of LA. Enjoying to walk must run in the family. I just found out that I'm only about 45 minutes from Palm Springs. I've not been there. I tried to go there last fall for a science conference, but my administrator said we didn't have enough money for it.

lueria said...

thanks for posting. it nice. love you. hugs and stay strong. I love the sense of humor with you and dick when you guys write. Wish i could write like that.