Sunday, February 14, 2010

sending love to all

Just wished to let you all know how much I love each and very one of you, on this special day............ Hugs and kisses to all. Lili


Claudia said...

Ditto! Love you all and grateful to have extended family like you. You make being a part of the Hooper/Garcia/Rouzaud/etc. clan a blast!

Peter said...

Happy V day to you too!

Peter said...

Are JnS on the road to Loma Linda? Didn't they say they'd be giving themselves a couple days to travel down?

Sandi Hooper said...

Peter, Jim went without me this trip. I'll be flying down, he'll be flying home. He left this morning about 10:30ish. He's going to stop and see Chuck & Dick on his way. He will take 2 days this time since he's driving it alone. If he doesn't post tonight, I'll post when I hear from him.

Lili, you are a very sweet and tender sis-in-law. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend filled with all the love you deserve.

And the same to you all. Thank you for all of the wonderful years together. I've loved getting closer to each of you with the passing years.

Teresa Garcia said...

We love you too!

Peter said...

Thanks for filling us in. Come to think of it, you guys did say that you'd be going down later. We're praying.

Sandi Hooper said...

Lili, sorry to "hijack" your post, I just wanted to tell the family that Jim made it safely to Chuck's last night, and I understand that he slept there last night. I haven't heard from him yet this morning.

lili said...

That is ok, Sandi,, you never hijack, or any family, as I have done th same with other's too...... Family is so special to me, I don't think the family realize this, as I do. At times I feel so removed, as I don't have family like all of you.

But I am so blessed to share the love of your family units.

Sandi Hooper said...

Update: Jim just called me, he made it there. First treatment tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m.

I'm sure he'll be posting soon.
Sandi & Jim

Jim said...

And a happy belated, but not forgotten V day to all. Just remember, all are welcome to come visit us in CC. We may even throw in the $2 tour.
Illa, thanks for all you've done for Chuck and Dick. You ARE a sister.

Dick said...

$2 tour. that will get you to the docks.
And i do agree. thank you illa.

Lili said...

Dick and Illa,I wish to also thank you both, and know that it's great having family like I do have.

We are all so blessed with the love and care we have for each other, though we do at times see life so different, that is what makes all of you so special.

Tell Chuck when I do come down, will take him to church. Dick, I am so greatful to have you as a brother, and so greatful you could step in, I do feel it's great, that you can work with him, with some of the same problems. It does make it easy as we do understand what foods that work and what does not work.

I know that he is going thhrough as Lisi has so many of the same problems. I also know with the foods, you are great in that understanding, and being the male of the family with Chuck, your great in what you can do to support him.

Illa, I love you so much and I will bring Chuck to see you when I do come down. I love you so much, and am looking forward to going to work again,.... it will be great to have time with you, and look alo forward to seeing you, and check out some stuff with you.

WE are so all Blessed sisters and brothers, as we can be family and be there for each other, what a Blessing you each and everyone of you.

My Heart feels so over flowing with my love for each and every member of my family, watching each of you live te life you wish to follow in the Pathway of Life.

You each are serving in your personal path of the love of God, we each carry in each and every heart. How you each carry God in your heart, ......

Your love and how you each walk the walk, that God has called you.
We each hear His Call and how we work in the pathways of life.

You each are God's Golden Nugget, our work and how we live is for the way God has called us.......

Blessing's and know I work and walk in prayer for each and everyone of you....

What a wonderful Val., God has given to each and everyone of us.

The wonderful most pricelesssss, with the love we carry for each and everyone.

Praise God for each of you, and a great big V I also send to God, for the love we share in life...........