Friday, March 28, 2008

Results of State Lawsuit is in

   Well, it was NOT good for us. We lost. We really expected to but the reasons are so frustrating.
  The court lawyer said it was because we failed to follow and submit our arguments had not followed the process as it needed to in a court form. Not that we didn't have just reasons. I even tried to submit an article about how a city board in the city of Sebastopol here Calif. had refused to allow wi fi in the city limits because there are to many unanswered questions on the safety of the micro waves. The judge said it was submitted at the wrong time. 
  Even the facts that they (the defense) had failed to provide the mandatory federal requirements for safety had not been followed was not allowed. It is a federal requirement to post caution signs, fences around the area and monitoring devices to all who enter the area. Defense said there was no proof "during the time there" that the allowed signal strength was excessive. How can there be proof "during the time" when they failed to provide the monitors that would have show any breaches?!! 
  So, now, because we lost, there is now a $20,000.00 court cost against the Garcia family. Even the cost of the "medical" bill was not allowed to be argued. They charged me alone around $9,000.00 for a half hour exam that was only asking me questions and no tests what so ever.
   While I feel we had been "rail roaded", I see not chance to get justice since we cannot find a lawyer to help us fight against the state. All the lawyers we talked to say this is just to new of a field and there is only speculation on both sides of the arguments to say if it is dangerous or not. This I fail to understand since to me the issue is they failed to follow SAFETY LAWS ?!! BG


Sandi Hooper said...

So sorry to hear this, Ben & Illa! What a dirty deal. The lawyers are the only ones who win these deals.

I don't know if there is any comfort to be found here, but if there is any small comfort, it's that you guys stood up and got your story documented.

Who knows where or when this information will be used to finally get justice served in this issue.

Well, you guys are heroes to me.

Jim said...

It hasn't been a good week for you guys, Illa's aunt passing away, and now this. I believe that you're in line for some good fortune.

I have to think just what Sandi said, this is only a part of the long-term process of the documentation of this issue. I know that it doesn't do you guys any good now, but maybe in the future someone will benefit from what you know to be true here. Is there any chance of it being appealed?

As far as I know, in situations like this, there is always more that one side knows than than the other side. With the relative newness of these type of radio waves being used, I believe there will be a large body of knowledge accumulated as to the affect on people. My bet is, is that someone is already doing the testing on some poor rat somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Testing on these radio frequency radiation has been going on since WWII. It was know since the first radio was built that there was a problem. The Armed Forces consider this radiation a weapon of mass destruction. They are making new weapons for the military using these devices. The CIA calls the study of this by Dr. Ross Adey as Pandora's Box. But try to get this tru to the Court system. It ain't going to happen. The State especially is bad because they say they don't have to follow the Federal Mandated laws, statutes and safety regulations. It is very aggravating. So you can see tis is really not NEW information. Any studies are funded by the parties of interest such as the phone companies and they do everything possible to discredit the studies and the Dr.s doing the investigations and pay billions of dollars yearly into the Federal Government. So nothing is really going to be done. At least not yet. All we can do is keep trudging along. Illa

Peter said...

BnI, We intuitively expect justice in the world; especially in the U.S.

I was listening to NPR today, they quoted one of the legislators in Iraq who said, 'the transition to democracy is very hard' He said in some ways it's just as corrupt as in the days of Saddam, black doesn't turn to white overnight".

We expect better in the U.S.of A. Problem is, money is everything, even in the best system in the world. Sorry this reality worked against you.

Anonymous said...

There is a good thing out of this. The east coast is having the same lawsuits filed. When you read of the medical problems the people are having, they are almost identical to what I saw Illa having. We even had spect scans done at L.A. imaging and and 12 out 13 people in our group showed damage in the brain. The doctor said this could only be caused by exposure to EMF fields. This was denied by the state doctor who took NO tests and spent only 30 minutes asking questions only. They call him an "expert" in the field yet he has NO experience in the field.