Saturday, March 8, 2008

Why do we love

Have you ever wondered what makes us love, and why ? Is it what we are feeling or is it because of what we see and the enjoyment we receive from the experience ? From one point it seems to actually be a selfish act, for what we can receive doesn't it ?!
And think of it, we can love so many different things, people and animals. We should all realize by now that anything we love will be changed with time for many reasons. Yet we open our hearts for the emotions which churn inside and change even as we begin to feel and realize they are there.
Then the anguish as the thing we love vanishes as if enveloped in the mist. The pain as our heart breaks, bends,melts shatters. We know we can never open our heart again to such terrible pain, yet in time .......
Have you ever wondered what makes the heart work ? Why we have a heart to be broken ? How to repair a heart ?
Have you ever wondered why we need to feel pain once in a while, to remember that we can love ??


Anonymous said...

for my love and her heart in pain. and all others that go thru pain (both past and present)

Peter said...

Yeah, love does have it's problems, but I especially like your last line. The alternative makes us less human.
(Notice, Like a good brother,I put my name here.)

Jim said...

believe that before one is able to feel and appreciate one end of the spectrum of our emotions, we must too recognize that there is a equal and opposite reaction that is necessary for us to fully understand that pain or joy.

Anonymous said...

myself, I think animals love also, to many examples of that bonding you see in animals also, so then, it comes to what makes us so different.
I know God put us in charge of the animals, made us from His breath and soil of the earth, yet, how had the animals been made, and why can't they love too. maybe part of heaven is being being able to understand more about life? after all, when you think about it, God made ALL things, right ?!
and WHY is it we must suffer the bad to appreciate the good? is it this life here IS a school ?

Jim said...

In a larger sense, I believe that that is exactly what this life is, a school to learn, to grow, and to be. To appreciate a sense of what you perceive the future to be. A time to live in the present. We can do nothing about the past. I believe that we can only change ourselves to grow as we wish ourselves to be. I believe that we can only effect the future.
I apologize, but this idea you bring up deserves more of a response than this, but we just got in a after a long trip.

other said...

ahh loves overrated anyway. but then it depends if its agape or eros.

Anonymous said...

LOL well, I can agree loves DOES bring heartache !!
agape ? Illa does say I grab, but that is NOT an error . I mean to !!

Peter said...

As for animals loving, I suppose it depends on what definition of love you use; as other pointed out, there are several. By the way, a good study in this is 'The Four Loves' by CS Lewis.

Anonymous said...

people have several types of love, I think animals might also,
why would a mother bird fight a snake and protect the hatchling ?
I think we restrict with words what we can feel and learn (as the old saying goes about thinking in or outside the box) I choose to think outside the box I think ! lol

Peter said...

You definitely think outside the box! As for birds and their chicks, I don't know about this being love. Animals have different triggers than humans. For instance, when a cat consumes it's prey while still alive, is that cruelty? Or when a Killer whale tosses around a seal pup, is that sadistic? The premise would be the same for a virtue. The dolphin, arguably the smartest animal there is, has been proven to "murder" adolescent males of the same species. Not to consume it, but for unknown reasons. So is murder the correct term? I don't think so.

The girls aren't going to like this, but from what I've watched on some dog shows, these experts believe that your pet dog only views you as a part of the pack. The important thing they say, is be the Alpha, and not the Omega.

Anonymous said...

Granted a family could be considered a "pack". But then, why do they react different to each member of the pack? We probably attribute our own understanding of their reactions as emotions so that we may understand them better or believe we do.

They start out like children and mature in emotions and tempermant. They can run the gamet of being fiercely loyal and seem to love one member of that pack more than others and then be totally aggressive to another if they perceive them to be threatening. They can be gentle when needed and to me it seems that they can understand when one is sick and they can empathise. But then anyone who had had a pet, any pet, during their life can know in their heart of hearts that they are more than "just a member of the pack". On either side. Thank you Ben.

Peter said...

I have no argument with any of this. The NW Rouzaud clan has had many pets. Once (this is hard to believe) we had a golden retriever. She had never had pups, but when the cat had kittens, she stole them from her. We have a picture of her suckling them. The incredible part of it, she was lactating! Soon the mama cat stole back her kittens, then disappeared. I don't believe either of these acts were "love", but instinct- that looks much like love. It wasn't very loving to steal the new kittens in the first place.

Personally, I think dogs are unique creations of God. In fact, if you transliterate the word 'worship' from the ancient Greek language (which the New Testament was originally written in)you'll see that the word worship is translated "to dog". Which is a wonderful picture of what our response should be to God.

Anonymous said...

Peter, you do bring up interesting points. I admire the scholar in you. But.... I do think we are restricted by our own minds and wording on how to explain.
Even your reference to a pack, look how they act and react. You can see a dog dig in the ground and another one watch as if wondering why, yet in time dig also.Does it dig to dig, or because it learned there can be a reason to dig ?

Sandi Hooper said...

And did you know that dog spelled backwards is God? Wow, now, that's a palindrome. But God/doG--that's just special.

Until you realize that a dog will eat things that it's not supposed to.

Remember Ben, "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

And one of my favorite old hymns:

"Oh joy that seekest me through pain,

I cannot close my heart to thee.

I trace the rainbow through the rain, and feel the promise is not vain,

That morn shall tearless be!"

hang in there good buddies!

Anonymous said...

I just am thankful we (as an individual) are able to love and recognize it is all.