Saturday, March 15, 2008

We lost our dog too...

If you go down a little, Sandi wrote a great tribute to our 'Lucky' dog.


Anonymous said...

I haven't found it but isn't it amazing how animals are? They can be come attached to you and you to them. Even fish. We used to have this one blue Beta that you could pet. Sort of anyway. It would let you run a finger over it when you were cleaning the tank. It would also rub against your hand of it's own free will. His name was Bluey. He only last about 2 years which i understand is pretty average for them. We also have some gold fish that you can touch too. I don't know what it is but it has something to do with the contact. Some sort of energy transfer that takes place.

I think it is really cool and I am glad that I get to experience it even if it does mean that I end up loosing some very good friends. Illa

Peter said...

Sorry about Lucky, For me, death, though it happens eventually to everything, it still seems so unnatural; regardless if it's an animal or not. For us, dogs are especially hard to loose.

other said...

sorry to hear about your puppy. he was pretty sweet,

Anonymous said...

poor Peter !! again, I have to correct you. didnt at least 2 skip that step? !!