Friday, October 10, 2008

Coast Run

Well, I am going to try and see if Illa and I can hit the beaches by Jim. We want to take the small trailer, so, it can rain as much as it wants !
I would love to continue the discussion with Peter, Jim, and Dick and any one else who is willing to open their minds and give their thoughts of why we are here and the old issue of we can't be saved by our actions, rather by the grace of God!? Also their is the part that says only God knows who is saved.It says , believe in God and you shall be saved.
These are questions I had been hoping we could discuss, but with the younger ones there it always seemed the wrong time to really open and try to talk.
If anyone is open to this, how about lets try and get together, not a reunion so much as to listen and explore with each other.
Chuck, Illa and B.J., as well as Teresa had a pretty good discussion discussion touching some points when we had stayed and everyone else had gone.
If not meet for that, just meet because we can and I am not in the hospital !! lol I know Illa tries to do for me what she thinks I need, but, I really hated people seeing me in that condition. Yet, it touched my heart that so many gave up part of there time and funds for me. You each are special and appreciated
I get so lonely when Illa goes home. She is the steel in me. I look at here each day and fall in love with her all over again. To feel her place her head on my shoulder and feel her take my hand in hers, I feel so lucky. I had prayed for a partner when I was working in Portland and I have always felt meeting her was because God heard me. bg


Jim said...

I really do hope you both can make it over here soon. If you can't bring your trailer then we have the little apartment that you can stay in.

Those topics of discussion, "why we are here," and "we can't be saved by our actions, rather by the grace of God!?" are great philosophic questions and I think are at the very root as to the number of Christian churches and beliefs. But, they are questions that we all have, and will never know until we actually we our maker, but I'd like to discuss them. I find that as I get older, these types of questions are more important and interesting to me, much like politics and issues. Yes, Peter, I'm still gelling on my opinion about where I stand on abortion.

I agree, Ben, Illa is a very special person, I beleive, chosen to fill a need in you and make you grow. I would guess that you wouldn't be the man that you are if she were not the woman she is, the one the makes you better. Is this fate, planning, Providence, or luck? Another philophical question. I think that all we can do right now is to recognize our good fotune and be thankful for it.


Dick said...

Interesting and revelant questions, I ask myself everyday. "why" ?
there are so many directions that your questions can go. Ive been mulling over the question of "why we are here and the old issue of we can't be saved by our actions, rather by the grace of God!? Also their is the part that says only God knows who is saved.It says , believe in God and you shall be saved."
I believe our whole existance is or should be GOD. He is the alpha and the omega and nothing would exist if He didnt. and in my mind that is inconcieveable.
I think that one of the things that has to be understood is the definition of "Believe". To me it is something that is deep inside of all of us. and where does that believe come from. I think part of it is thru relationship. either thru my experience or the experience of others, and seeing the end or in process result of that experience.
like Abraham and Isaac. God told Abe to take Isaac and sacrifice him. but it was Isaac that said that "God would provide a sacrifice". And he did. and it was counted to his as rightousness. or as right doing. but it because of his relationship and faith with God that his works were right.
so as i see it, its our motivation behind our works. is it to gorify God or to say "hey look at me and what ive done" kind of the 10 talents thing.
sorry if it sounds like i went around in circles with my thinking.

Anonymous said...

Even with young ones around, it's my belief that it is not wrong to talk about these things... I'd rather have my kids here these sort of things from their family and not kids on the schoolyard (ok, so religion isn't the hot topic on the school yard... and yes, my friends and I were thought weird when we discussed them. Something most people don't know about me unless they were in my class).

I have a few friends that come to my house, and religion and spirituality are topics that come up quite often. When Athena decides to participate as well (though she gets tea and not coffee like Faith (my friend that I discuss with most) and I do) I am often surprised by how interested she is and her maturity level.

As to why we are here... the most basic answer is to live, but not to live empty lives, instead to exercise the opportunity that we are given to really Live... To take part fully in each undertaking and not just the surface aspects of them, but to try to understand the different levels to every action and the relationships that can be found... so that in our hearts each thing is lifted up in thanks... doing each thing as a prayer.

Maybe I'm just weird...

As to whether we can be saved through our actions or by grace or by belief... only God would know the answer to that really and truly, though I'm sure that he would hope that each person would come into a strong relationship with him and to be able to receive his grace. What abut the person who kills in cold blood, and yet believes he is doing God's work?

Jim said...

I think that you wise beyond your years, and you come from good stock. I think that my boys come from good stock too. I believe that we, as parents, want to pass on the very best of what we have learned and experienced. I agree with you about Athena, I think that she has a very developed soul. You're right, you said maturity, I said soul.

The person that, "kills in cold blood, and yet believes he is doing God's work?" I believe will meet themselves at some point, and be the one that feels pain, and not inflict the pain.


Sandi Hooper said...

Well, let's not get this thing all talked out yet. Let's save some for the meeting. How/when/where??? If you can get clear up here you guys, Jim & I would love to see you. Can you come on a weekend? If not, well, ok, but I'd love to be able to get together early and keep the coffee and the talking going all day (and Peter, you KNOW I can do this!!!) Also, we owe everyone in the family donuts deee lux, so come one, come all. We'd love to see you.

hugs all around, and Ben it makes my day to read your words. Keep up the great progress...smiles

Anonymous said...

As for the date to meet, Illa and I will try and work things out. She works the weekend but we (I), am hoping for a week, maybe two, at the ocean and areas around there !!
I always feel guilty seeing Karen not being able to walk as much so Illa and I thought we should park next to Peter and Karen so she can walk a little, yet have a chair and fire close by.
Jim, I think you are correct, the gals we picked are a major influence on our future. Illa, Sandi, and Karen just seem so "right" with us. The brother-in-laws, likewise, seem ideal too .
I'm thinking, for the most part, a better mix couldn't have been done !!

Anonymous said...

So why "GUYS" after 20 + years or so you finally figure it out; that the 'she' in your life is the best thing you ever had in it; when for years she is the last of your priorities. and yes, I am speaking generally. How much pain does a woman have to endure, before her man realizes this! Is this jsut our plight?

Dick called , well me, some women cantancorous ( yes you did bro ) . but does it ever occur to you all; you are the reasons. AND if it wan't for that sweet wife you ahve now, being the way she is; would she have stayed to deal with your crap, till you all figure it out.

I am so thankful you have lived long enough, my dear bro, to appreciate what Illa has always meant to you .. I am sure many don't eve come to realize what the woman in their lives means to them.

Anonymous said...

Sure Suzzy, we only work our bodies down so mush and get 4 hours sleep a day and when we do sleep, it is because of the exhaustion that beats us down. Then we get the pleasure of hearing you get on your soap box and put us down. Really Suzzie, pick another subject and maybe you will finally have a valid, (and new topic) !!