Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lili in St. Helens

Just wanted to let family know I miss them and kinda lonely here, been busy. But no where to go and see, alone out here, as Jess is not one for people.

He's doing great, and have the back done but for the storage unit in the back. Will work on that, Monday and start clearing out the garage. Once that is done, then we bring in the unit to trash it all,..... clear out the cars at the same time. Back hoe time, then storage until brought in for the house so that we can clear the house out. It's going good......

I will stay here until this is finished then up the Tacoma where there are people, and I can get out and maybe make some friends. Over to see Bonnie, if they will have me,.... come back for the family reunion, go back with them, and see the area. Jess will be staying at the house in St.Helens. If he wants to he can go back with us, to Ricks and Bonnie, it's up to him.

All I do is work, and see others when we go out for our coffee, otherwise no human contact. Don't have a sole to have fun with here or talk to,...... sorry about this, just truthful. I look forwards to going back to Hawaii, down the road as I do have friends there and they love to have fun with me.


Jim said...

It sounds like that you're getting a lot done, so there's some value in not seeing anyone. If there's not a soul around it must be a pretty secluded place. A project is always so daunting when it stretches out in front of you and you can't see the end, but I'll bet it already looks much different.

Peter said...

Sorry it's so lonely there. Men (myself included) can be very boring. There's got to be someone around there you can befriend. I'm not familiar with your local, but have you tried the local pool, or senior center? Karen just has to ask the time in one of those type of places and the ladies flock to her and talk her ear off! Keep looking, you have a lot of energy to offer.

other said...

It was nice to talk to you but it made me sad to hear you say you're lonely. My life is so full of pople at times I crave aloneness, but then I think of all the people in the world who have no kids or gr kids to fill their lives up.

But Peter is right Lili, you have so much to offer. And how is the non-profit going ? There is so much we could do with the right time and money ... Hety get a camera on your computer and we can video chat.

I sent a camn to the boys. I misss them so ..


Anonymous said...

your always welcome to our home. We have soccer every weekend. and Practice mon, tues, and thurs.

I'm always home with kids stuff. hugs

Anonymous said...

You just have to look at this time alone as an asset. It gives you time to get things done and rebuild your self at the same time. You have spent soo much time in doing for others and wearing yourself out that you need this time to regenerate. I can tell you are getting satisfaction in accomplishing things at the house which needed doing as as you get closer to being done you will see how much you have done. Then you will be ready to tackle the next project which you have in the works. I know how daunting some tasks can be that we have set for ourselves. Once you get the non-profit thing really going you will be glad that you had that time to yourself as you won't get that again for very long. Don't Fret it, Enjoy It.

Take care, love Ben and Illa