Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow Day!

I was going to mow the lawn today! Well, maybe I wouldn't have gotten to it anyway. So Illa, do you have this much snow? It's only a couple of inches. Peter


Sandi Hooper said...

Wow, pretty!

Jim said...

So, where's your snowman? I understand you can't now the yard, but now you can make that snowman you always dreamt about.

Peter said...

You gotta come help me.

Anonymous said...

Had a couple yesterday then most melted. Tonight snowing again. Only about 1 inch tho. Still going tho.

Even tho we need it, I am really hoping it won't do much. I think the rear wheel bearing, drivers side is going out. It will have to sit. Have only the little care to drive and that is not good in snow. I already replaced the altenator that went out last week.


Bonnie said...

Wow Petro, That s beautiful. It looks a lot like our yard a week ago. Yesterday it got up to 70, what a wild winter every where.
Our company goes right through OK City on regular basis, I was so glad Ricks timing didn't send him through the other day. So many times he will go through a area right after it is reported on the news and he says seeing the effect of it is a lot worse than what they can describe. All over the world there are so many weird things happening. I truly believe we are in the last days and things are only going to get worse. We really need to be putting our hope and trust in God. He was given us plenty of warning and we need to take it very seriously.

Anonymous said...

I agree Bonnie; that is why it is so hard for me to just have small talk, conversations, with anyone almost anytime. Makes me pretty serous, but I feel we live in a really trying time and we need to really get serous. I struggle so with who I am, what I do, how I affect others in my space. I feel we of this world are so wrapped up in survival .. that we forget God takes care of those daily things and we need to do what God put us here to do; serve others! This life and these times are no joke. So much of what my dear mother June and my brother Richard taught me and talked about, while I was young; is here! We've had plenty of time to be ready for this day, and here we are worrying about what to wear, our next year's vacation; etc. I know often my tone is not matter of fact or light; but I just feel I don't have time to waste on surface or petty issues.

Although; that is also why kids and grandkids give me a reason to laugh and smile. I feel they are put on this earth to take us away from our stress and worry; just looking into those innocent faces I feel the greatness of our creator.

Jim & Sandy; thatnk you for sharing your new life. He is so beautiful and it is so wonderful to be a granparent.

Unknown said...

Yeah, it is beautiful Bon. I gotta keep reminding myself of that. And I should've made a snow man too. Like someone said, 'when you get lemons, make lemonade'. Hey, that's the way Karen handled me! Suzie, I couldn't agree more, when my grandkids are around, sometimes I just sit back with a big stupid grin on my face and enjoy watching them. We are in troubling times, but, in this country, the things that really matter remain, and we have so much to be thankful for. And with them so many options. When ever I get down, I remember my salvation, this always works for me: 'the worst day on this earth is better than the best day in hell'. The longer I live, the more I appreciate that contrast.

Anonymous said...

ive always heard it said. " the worst day in Heaven is better than the best day on earth" not that there will be any bad days in heaven.

Sandi Hooper said...

Heaven & Hell begin here. If this is all you are given, will you be satisfied, or will you be looking for something more "important"? The most profound thing you have are the relationships you've made. "As you have done to the least of these my brethren, you have done unto Me."

I like the quote by St. Augustine: "Love, and do what you will." Nothing comes much closer to Truth than this.

Unknown said...

Yeah Dick I guess I twisted it a bit. But I think your right, no bad days there. No doubt heaven and hell start here; Jesus said, 'he that believes in me shall never die'. And PLEASE Sandi, don't quote that scripture bout doing unto the least; I don't like that one!

Teresa Garcia said...

Snowed a foot over in Shasta last I heard. I was supposed to go there to have my follow up dental visit (I had a badly infected tooth removed) but it was snowing and so windy that my dentist called and told me not to get out on the road.

And it was still falling into the afternoon...

Will try to remember to take a picture out front tomorrow... Weed didn't get quite as much.

Peter said...

Wow, a foot! I guess I shouldn't complain. I'm glad you stayed off the road. Nice dentist. Be careful up there.