Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Doesn't anyone ever knock around this joint?

I thought that would get your attention.

We're (Sandi mostly) watching the Gonz for five days while Randy and Claudia are taking a little well-deserved vacation. This is our last week of break before school starts and of course I waited until the end of summer to roof the Mason Court house. I wanted to do it earlier in the summer, but playing, among other things, got in the way. So, I hired a family relative to do it. I'm playing 'gopher' and working with him. My ankles feel as if I'm Peter's age or something. Hopefully, we'll be done tomorrow.

FYI: For all of you out there that know a man that you care about, or basically know of someone that knows someone that is a man....there's a special on prostate cancer on CNN's Larry King this Friday at 6:00. Yes, I'll keep you posted on any gizzard specials that come on too.



Peter said...

Gonzo is about as bashful as his grandpa!

Bonnie said...

More like, "Grandpa, is there no where a guy can go without someone pointing a camera at me".

It sure is cute. I hope that isn't yellow water.