Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The joy of moving

Neck deep in boxes. Maybe we should just call in a goodwill truck and give it all away. The problem with having too many storage spaces is that they soon fill up. Any suggestions? So far, the dogs have refused to get into a box.


alilia said...

put food and water in the box, with a blanket........ and leave it open, so they know it' a safe area, know what you mean, you should see mine, as I also have the attic loaded and need to remove that, laugh......... but how great it is going to be having you close,...... Lis, is looking forward to returning, and she meet her new doctor,today for her Diabetes, she is so happy with him.///// he has made changes I guess, so all is good.

Suzanne said...

Hey So good to hear you are REALLY packing .. can't wait ...

Jim said...

After Sandi and I moved here from the Mason Court house we thought we should move everything out of the house every two years and only move back in what we really need. We didn't realize how much 'stuff' we had accumulated until we had to move it all out. Hearing your moving adventure makes me ralize that it's time to move everything out again. Thanks.

lueria said...

wow, that is a lot of work. We just moved changed rooms with the learn a lot about your self and your mate. lol. I learned Rich does not like and next time I will move the kids room with my girl friends with wine. :).

good luck. I hope you like beer, you might need one at the end of a day. lol

Peter said...

So glad you'll be able to make the reunion.

Illa said...

When you get that done, you can stop by and help me throw stuff away. I have trouble separating stuff except the stuff that is really broken. I have no problem throwing that away. The other has too many, it is still good or memories, or as soon as I get rid of it I will need it. Have fun and will see you at the reunion!!!

Love Illa