Saturday, May 2, 2009

Epiphanies from the shower

No worries, it’s all G-Rated here. I have always wondered why I have moments of clarity and realizations when I’m bleary-eyed standing in the shower each morning. This is not to say that I don’t have periods of clearness and lucidity when I’m out of the shower, it’s just that they’re not as defined or clear, or very frequent. When I stand in the shower, things that I’m not even been consciously thinking about become crystal clear to me. So far I’ve not had any huge revelations like how to make world peace happen or a cure for the common cold, but rather how best to approach something at school or an answer to something I’ve been thinking about.
Does anyone else suffer from this malady?

I think there’s some type of power in running water. I do know for me it has a soothing, relaxing, but yet revitalizing effect. Whenever I’ve had a stressful day at work I drive by the beach and enjoy the beauty. If it’s been an especially stressful day I just stop at one of the turnoffs and just sit and stare at the scene. Perhaps, this is a reason why I like to get into just about any water at all times and for any occasion and in any state of undress. Perhaps.

I believe that the subconscious mind solves many of my problems and I come to many realizations when I have the down-time to allow it to do its job. I think that during the time I stand in the shower, it’s that time between total relaxation where my subconscious mind is still working and the business of the day hasn’t fully filled my mind that these epiphanies come. I suppose there is some real wisdom in the adage “Sleep on it before making any decisions,” either that or maybe to take longer showers. The Hooper variation to that is “Gel on it.” The implication here is to think it over very slowly much like the consistency of gel.

OK, I’m done, there’s my musing for the day. Next………



Sandi Hooper said...

I'm just glad that you take a shower each day!



Sandi Hooper said...

Ok then....So! How 'bout those crazy Dallas Cowboys, huh? Mad wacky stuff, that!

Dick said...

feeling to crappy to respond.:

Teresa Garcia said...

I had a thought about something I'd read regarding views on water being able to do that... from Scotland, Native Americans, Japanese... but my thoughts keep getting scattered... so maybe in a few days I'll be able to remember it.

Peter said...

I'm ramrodding a roofing project. Saturday, I received a call from my mother in law. Her roof was leaking and coming in in buckets. So I called the contractor and we met out there and got on the roof and did some repair. It had just stopped raining and it was somewhere in the high 50z. Her house is surrounded by flowers, and; what a wonderful smell and feeling in the air. The roof repair almost pleasant! So I'm thinking of inventing a negative ion, flower scented shower-head.

Jim said...

That's a great idea! Anything to keep you off of a roof. I'll buy one.

Glenda said...

It is amazing to me, what makes us each have moments of lucidity..I just finished a great book by a Spanish author named Carlos Ruiz Zafon. For me, when I finish a great book it is similar to how I feel after my workouts on the treadmill. My endorphins are running rampid, I am on top of the world and my problem solving skills seem to be at their peak. Now showers, for me, are times where I let go of emotions. I cry, or give into feelings of despair...the great thing is that they disappear with the flow of all that great water and wash right down the drain. I very seldom come out of the shower with that clear mind needed for clarity, but I am certainly feeling a little more ready to tackle my world with its little problems!!

Glenda said...

Hey Dick - how come you are feeling crappy. Are you coming down wit a cold or somethin'? You better take care of yourself!

Jim said...

Is there an option to purchase this product with a hot water line? Cold water doesn't make me lucid, it makes me loopy. Cold water wakes me up a little too fast, and I go from Sleepy to Grumpy in the wink of an eye, unless it's taking a dip in a creek, then I go from Happy in the Dopey in flash of a cheek.

Peter said...

I'm thinking of making them in pink and blue. With an extension (at a nominal cost) you can run it to the hot water at the lav.