Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day !

Today is a speical day for me even if my kids are doing their own thing & and not by my side. I love being a mother. And my kids let me know daily what a great mother I am. This gives me great satisfaction; knowing they know I did my best and they are great kids becaue I did. where I fell short God filled in the empty spaces. I've always prayed for my kids and sent angels of protection to be with them. I am proud of my kids and I know I am / was a good mother.

As I live in a Foster Care Home; I feel sad for the estranged families I meet. A few times a year some famlies take their loved ones out or buy them a gift; seems out of obligation. Why can't they send their mom's a card once in a while or a little gift box .. just to say .. we want to make sure you feel loved and your needs are met. Instead they often leave that up to me. It saddens me.

No matter what you feel mom has done or been in your life; she gave you life. In the years where she is not as young, is lonely or sick or maybe just not present; she is still mom. I hope we can all honor the mothers in our lives.

As life wanes things just don't matter so much; but love does. And love does not have strings attached. Our loved ones can't be who we might want them to be; but they are still our loved ones.

Being a mother is a gift God gives.

Happy Mother's Day to all my family mothers. To my sisters & to my neices & to my daughters.

Love you all even if we don't all see eye to eye ....


Peter said...

So true. Happy mother's day (maybe Suzie) whoever wrote this. Mothers are the best of God's creation. Thanks, Peter

Jim said...

It's a good day to remember that I need to cherish and revere all mothers in my life every day and not just today.

Suzanne said...

True; honor a mother every day ... Not just on holdays. What women endure from the time they become women to their dying days take strength; just to get through each day !! Never forget the women who take care of you, love you and even hate you .. We live ' on purpose ' ! God given purpose !

Lili said...

Happy mothers day to all the special mom's in my life, kids and all.

How special the gift God has given to ya all!!!
How special you all are to me, every one of you.

Love sis & aunt Lili

Sandi Hooper said...

I love the spirit of this post. Being a mom is really satisfying, and I'm sure it must be that way for Dads too. I frequently tell my guys that THEY are the great adventure of my life. More than anything else I could have chosen to do, watching their lives develop, seeing how they handle life is the most amazing thing I've ever been a part of.

It certainly must have been God putting "bumpers" on my clumsy efforts...I was so young, so needy myself. It was a recipe for disaster, yet somehow, God managed to turn my human love into something more. I was looking for love, but making a mess of it, and Love found me anyway.

What a wonder life is, and how wonderful to get to be a part of it.

ILLA said...

So very true. I barely remember my mother. Some good some bad. I have always striven to be a better mother than mine was but I had a very special Foster Mother whom I loved very much. She has since passed this last 5 years. So to all mothers in our extended family, good job and may you all be very blessed. Hope it was a good one. I had to work. Oh well, what else is new. Someone had to.

Love Illa