Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Lauria !


Illa said...

Hope you had a good one. Also hope you got to go eat out and not have to cook. Even fast food is better than having to cook on your birthday. How are things now?? Better I hope.

Love you!!!! Illa

Illa said...

PS. All the materials should be here today to start the deck. Still have to get a few bags of cement but I can get that here pretty quick. Hope to start on it here in the next day or two. At least dig the holes for the cement. Got to lay out the site yet. Guess that should be first order of business.


Peter said...

Just a couple of hints Illa. Stack together tight and COVER your wood when not using. This will keep the sun from warping them like rotini. The way I planted my posts was dig my hole, cut my posts a bit long. Then when concrete was all set, cut them to proper height. If you have use of a transit, that'll be the best way to keep them level. If you use a string, pull it so tight you think it'll break. Otherwise the string will sag in the middle. Since I don't have a transit, I use a water level; which, by the way, is the most accurate level you can use. Cheap too! You can find how to use them on the net. Any questions, write me. Karen and I will be going to Colorado tomorrow morning. But I'll be checking my email from time to time as we go (Pulling a trailer). But if you gotta get a hold of my, call my cell. Love ya. PnK