Friday, January 18, 2008

Hey Petro

I liked Sandi's idea. You should have heard what I suggested to Ben about what to do about his THE FENCE SITUATION. But of course I don't think ANY OF US would do any of those things, but now BEN, well he is BEN, get my drift.
Oh ya, we had 3" of snow here yesterday but warmed up here today, tonight is suppose to get down to about 9 degrees. That is so funny Ben, I was also looking for degree key on the computer. I did spell the word right to thanks for spell check, I use that a lot.


Peter said...

When you think you know someone, you better think again! I've got this mental image of Sandi, my dear sister-in-law, sitting in a chair, so calm, serene and peaceful gazing at the lake. I could never have imagined her having an argument with the neighbor, let alone picking up a gun! But come to think of it, it's possible (maybe you can imagine too) Some men have a strange attraction to dangerous women. Can you see it, she and Jim are walking together, he is kinda of cowering. When she raises her hand to brush an errant hair, Jim flinches. Have you noticed he's developed a Tick? No, I can't believe it; I refuse to believe it! She's still the wonderful and peaceful girl I was enamored with the day I met her.

Anonymous said...

Poor Peter !! Our dear Karen has you SO WELL TRAINED !! I see Sandi on the rocker too, with the shotgun right at the wall, Jim, sitting ready to reload.
Glad to see Bonnie back here, she DOE"S have great ideas for those wanting to be inventive. Me, I have Illa there to shoot her pistol if I need. (maybe not to really shoot them, but to show me HOW to shoot) And then we have Dick, trying to sell apples ?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben Rick has a suggestion about THE FENCE, he said, "you should find out who put the fence us and tell him, hey I apprecated the fence but it isn't quite where I wanted it."
It is really funny how diplomatic you guy's are and how take action we women are. I say shoot first, ask question later.
Hey I just thought of something. Anyone have a pain ball gun. Or how about the thingy I shot the pig with.

Sandi Hooper said...

Ooops. You guys have it TOTALLY wrong. There's no LAKE around here!

Furthermore, I am just trying to be supportive of Ben's fantasy that he's a bad ass.

Sandi Hooper said...

P.S. I've always had a soft spot for you too, Peter!

Anonymous said...

see, no LAKE !! shotgun ? RUN !!!