Monday, January 14, 2008

We saw the sun!!!

After about about a month of not seeing the sun it came out just like a summer day, sans fog. It was beautiful so Sandi and I had to take a walk to one of our favorite local places. It made her really happy because she had always thought the Cadre Loop was 3.2 miles and to her surprise it's 4.2 miles. It was such a nice evening I made a fire out in the grill and be grilled last night. Harbingers of summer to be sure.


Anonymous said...

THAT sounds like a GREAT idea, a walk and a barbecue ! When is the next one ? Here, we now have around 4" of snow staying, only made it to about 6" total.
My cancer doc challenged Illa and I to a half day skiing at Mount Shasta !! He is willing to tear up one sessions check if we do ! We are thinking we will try it, he said the price is $25.00 a day mon thru friday, if you have your own equip.. p.s. I saw him today, seems I am doing well.

Peter said...

Ben, Sounds like a great Doc. Glad your doing well, we appreciate the update. Snows all gone here; we've seen the sun too- on and off. Jim, we've even seen 5o degrees! But it's cold now. Bonnie, I think your right, maybe 100% of us have weak backs. Hey Dick, how's things going with your treatments?

Jim said...

It's good to hear that you're feeling well. We've been thinking of going over to Shasta too. Maybe we can met up? Lat year Randy and I did the Night Ski session and it was great! February should be great. Still a lot of snow and clear days.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jim, let us know when you might try shasta if you are interested. The first week we will be a bit busy. Headed to White city, by crater lake area for a test for a job for security part time at airports and about 4 days later headed again to Redding for Illa's medical thyroid check.