Monday, January 21, 2008

the twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, thanks to the help of Peter, and Ben, love the past, this is sis Alilia, Lili, I am in I think, can you believe, you see this, laugh! I'll see if it works, you hear about twin sis, you will need to call her or email her, I do not post on here about her, it's job requirments, with the job and state, OK......


Anonymous said...

Hey !! One down, one to go !!! Great seeing this Lili, or Alilia, I think it is !!

Bonnie said...

Good to have you on the blog Lili, now that you know how to do it show Lisi how. I don't know about everyone else but I like it when you just call yourself Lili, we already know you are our sister and I think all of us have always called you two Lili and Lisi.

Hey Lueria, great to hear from you both on the blog and a personal email.

Glenda, where are you? I sent you a christmas card that got sent back. Hopefully now that we are moving back to work for Suzy, we will see you more. It is going to be so great just to be closer to everyone.

I'm about worn out from all this packing, I hate moving, we can never get any help so have to do it all ourselves, we'll be luck if Ricks boys help us load the truck.

I loved that song, great dance song which I love to do. I also had a hard figuring out how to turn it off. Finally had to turn computer off then on again. I'm not the smartest person on the computer.

Jim said...

Good on 'ya. It's just like any training process, keep doing the same process over and over again and it becomes a habit. Same thing about the steps to posting on a web site, as in here, or posting pictures. Keep us posted.
Glenda, I feel the same way that you do about moving. The only thing worse than moving, is for me to have to be moving. "Hey, Sandi, where's that yard sale sign?"

Jim said...

Actually, I was addressing Bonnie not Glenda about moving. Sandi pointed out the error of my ways. It's just a good thing I have a pretty high threshold for embarrassment,

Anonymous said...

See Jim, you got one too !! Guess we are lucky we don't ALWAYS make mistakes ?! or do we ??

Sandi Hooper said...





spell check doesn't pick these ones up.

Guess that's why some people prefer to say it with pictures!

Ahhhh English! The language of Shakespeare...

As long as you keep posting, all will be forgiven eventually. You may not be understood, but you'll be loved.

Bonnie said...

That is kinda scary, because I understood him, is that good or bad.

Oh ya, Suzy saw Chardo over the weekend, said he's doing good.

Wish I could have a garage sale but not a good location besides I am a collector not a thrower outer. Are those real words, if not they are now, just like the word thingy which is on of my favorite descriptive words.
Hey how do you do spell check on the comments. Second thought, MAYBE I MEANT TO SPELL IT LIKE THAT!!! lol

Anonymous said...

if you have one of them thingys with a dodad for the witchyamacallit, that fits the thingamajiggy, im sure itll fit the dommaflochie.
I love the english language. but then theres the ENGLISH language.

Anonymous said...

actually Ben 2 to go. lisi and the name we cant mention :)

Anonymous said...

Hey ! I sent Lisi an e mail and bugged (bothered, pestered, annoyed) her and asked her to post and we all wanted to hear from her too, to, two 2 !!
Has anyone watched the movie "Schlindler's List" ? It is an excellent one, they type you can watch over and over . I have the cd if anyone wants to see it. The movie that is, not the cd it's self .
Sandi, you forgot thar and yall !!!

Anonymous said...

thingy is a word. the urban dictionary "say" so
1. thingy

Used to describe an object on the spur of the moment when you have a sudden brain fritz and forget exactly what you were gonna say was.

Uhh.....get the report!.....program..thin gy.

2. thingy
a something, a thingymajig,a watchamacalit,a doo dad, a habba whatsa, a do hickey. The word that replaces a noun that you cant think of at that certain moment.

hand that thingy.

3. thingy
When something is above cool, then it is thingy.
Something that is cool can be not cool. So above the classification of cool, thingy can be used , but something cannot be unthingy, cos it is not a word that is needed. If something is thingy then it allready got passed the cool / uncool, all or nothing, if your thing is thingy, then it deffinately is thingy.

You know it is that thingy that you thingy and it makes you thingy and it is thingy.

Jim said...

You forgot to add 'hooby-dooby.' I did not mean 'dooby' either. I know what a 'dooby' is.

Sandi Hooper said...

Thar's a blog in thar someawhars! u all shur spel gud! or is u textin' on yer fonez?

Anonymous said...

Now ya all is talkin my language. I understnd evry word. Illa

Anonymous said...

what happened to the new post page? its coming up hindi. i didnt do it this time

Jim said...

Yeh, right, Dick. Any blog issues, Dick did it, 'cause he has a Mac.

Anonymous said...

If you didn't do it, how do you know it's hindu ?

Jim said...

You're right, Ben. 'Schindler's List' is one of those movies that a person, all persons, should view every year, for the sheer human impact of what humanity can devolve too, as well as the impact, and long term effects one person can unknowingly make. I need to watch it again.

Anonymous said...

Jim, one can also watch Schindler's List and see how a person can be elevated. Remember, he was part of the natzi movement, yet he used his wealth to save so many Jews. Do you guys get to show it in the classes ?

Sandi Hooper said...

We are not allowed to show this movie in our classes because of some of the language in it (as well as some nudity and sexual content).

I have offered extra credit to students who will watch it with their parents and write a response paper. I figure that it is best for the parents to explain the controversial parts of this movie. It is not really in sync with my curriculum though, so I have not asked for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I guess I forgot about the nudity and sexual stuff totally. I think that might be a bad sign I am worried now !

Sandi Hooper said...

Ben, that's a sign that you are becoming pure of spirit and that the evil world no longer appeals to you. It's NOT a sign that you're getting old and jaded. Honest. Hope you're not STILL worried...that WOULD be a bad sign.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandi !! If that is so, then why does Illa keep slapping me ??!!!! hmmmmm