Saturday, January 10, 2009


We do feel very fortunate and blessed, but we don't want to hog up the whole blog. I'm probably taking up too much bandwidth on the internet now. Now only if Ed McMahan would quit losing our address for the million dollar prize we'd be set for life. We could quit working and babysit everyday......that Randy and Claudia would let us. Excuse me, maybe that's him, there's a knock at the door.

Nope, that wasn't him. Darn. Wait a minute, would you believe it? There's a commercial for Publisher's Clearinghouse on TV.....and it's live.....and they're walking up to someones door............AND IT LOOKS LIKE OUR FRONT DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...................... Nope.

Does anyone remember the web site of that place where it says that you can work from home and make a million dollars? It seemed really easy. As I remember it the "Success Kit" was only $29.99 plus shipping and handling. What could be simpler?

Anyway, if it's left to us we'd post Gonzo pictures every day. You'll need to click on the title to see more today.

Grandpa Jim

P.S. I've been looking at pictures of treehouses on the internet.


Anonymous said...

i love that pic. i needed a good laugh and i got it. i havnt had one like that for, well lets just say a long time. my eyes are watering. that is just priceless and, dare i say, precious.

Anonymous said...

Grandpa's is teaching him early. Feet fetish.



Anonymous said...

oh course you know whos smells the sweetest. it aint Jims.

Anonymous said...

I just knew that the feet picture would happen. Now see, Gonzo is lucky he has cute feet. Mine hide in socks for a reason.

Anonymous said...

That picture is great!! People here at work thought I had lost my mind because I laughed so loud!