Friday, January 23, 2009


I talked to Glenda after her colonoscopy, they did find some polyps, but she hadn't yet found out what the lab determined. She said it all went very well and it was no big deal. I told her that I had a colonoscopy a few months back and they had found three polyps and they were pre-cancerous. The doc said it wasn't a problem since I caught them soon enough. And this is the point of this post. Generally, pre-cancerous polyps take several years (5-7) to actually grow into cancer and become an issue. This is why it's important to have the tests and have them out. So, if you haven't done it yet, or your past due, do your honest best to have it done. Love you guys. Peter


Jim said...

Peter, thanks for the update, and Glenda, thanks for having it done. It's never too soon to have it done.

Bonnie said...

I guess I should stop putting it off. Maybe if I end up going back on the road I can get it done. Glad to hear from Glenda that it was no big deal.

How is our little Gonzo? Has he been out fishing or hunting yet?

Sandi Hooper said...

Well, I guess we won't be posting any photos of these bouncing baby pre cancerous polyps anytime soon, but let me be the first to congratulate you Glenda for having them delivered successfully! I'm really glad that you had this done, glad that the procedure was successful and that you as the "big sis" Gigi and Big Brother have kept this thread alive. All of the siblings who have had the procedure done have been really upfront about it when it was their turn. Ok, Bonnie, looks like you're next.

Last one done is a rotten egg, ok? So, NEXT????

Oh by the way, I'm in line for my first before I hit 49....and I'm on my siblings too. I think both of my older siblings got this done by 49, but you can be sure, I'll be hounding them today.

Gigi, I'm proud of you. Is it scary? hugs.

Sandi Hooper said...

Oh and thank you for asking Bonnie, Gonzo is really cute this morning. I'm sure Jim's posting a photo even as I type. Did I tell you he really smiled for me yesterday? Of course I had no camera with me at the moment...

Peter said...

Sandi- that was gas. Get your camera and feed him frijoles again.

Anonymous said...

So how much does that procedure cost? I'm pretty middle America; no insurance !

Peter said...

Cost is definitely not cheap. I read they cost as much as $3000. I have insurance, so after my deductible it "felt" like I got a deal. But, just for me, my monthly payments are $379 month. That's every month for years and years, so it mounts up. So I figure I paid the entire $3000 one way or another. I suppose there is another side. I've had a few others things come up the last few years, so maybe I'm ahead. So for me, I might have saved money! But one thing for sure, they got those pre-cancerous polyps out of me. This way I'm likely to live longer, and my chances of paying more and more payments to the 'the man'! BTW, if my memory is right, mom died at age 54 of colon cancer, so, if the polyps started growing 5 years in advance, she should have had them taken out at age 49.

Anonymous said...

healthnet has great coverage. I had it. The do individuals insurance. the price is not that bad. hugs

Sandi Hooper said...

Wow Peter, that is an important and sobering memory! I hope everyone gets the message.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, for the sweet words guys. Suzanne, the procedure cost $1500. I almost choked when they told me, but I decided to decide on how valuable I think my health is!! Believe me, I had no problem spending almost that much when I went to New York last summer. Now I am good for another 5 years and hopefully by then Lili and Jess have won the lottery!

Bonnie, it is a piece of cake, except for the few days afterwards to get my intestinal track back to normal.

Guys, Gonzo is so cute. I need a baby in my family. Love you all. GiGi

Jim said...

I wouldn't really consider it a piece of cake! That stuff I had to drink tasted like something they dredged up from the bottom of a septic tank. I don't even want to know where they get if from. It's amazing that a procedure that is so expensive uses such a cheap, vile, and foul product to "prepare" you.
