Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hey!!!! Where is everyone??

Hi!! How is everyone? It has been rather quiet. I guess Jim is spending all his time playing with the little one and trying to read his mind. We are hanging in here. Still fighting with the bank over the house and several other bills. I started paying bills Friday. It has been really nice to be able to do that. It is a worry off my mind. Today I got some good news. I called bill, Member's First Credit Union, to check on what they found out about the insurance claim on the Spyder. They told me that the insurance paid off the bill on the 8th. So now the little car is free and clear. Yeah!!!! Now to get the rest of them to do the right thing. Got a couple of other small bills paid off. Still waiting for the insurance from the State but it should show up here in the next 30 days or so. Talking to the different companies it takes 45 to 60 days after a claim is file to complete. The credit union took care of it in 15 days. That is really cool.

The weather has been beautiful here. Too bad that I had to work during it. I have a medical appt. tomorrow morning so that I can get more life insurance on me. I don't want the kids to have to go thru what I am. One lady told me you can never have too much insurance. If we die in any sort of accident we are really covered. So word to the wise, even if you think you have enough, get another policy even if it only enough to pay for funeral expenses. You can get some for fairly cheap costs. So anyway now I will be covered any which way as I plan to get several. The last one will have a higher premium as I am not going to do the physical thing again even tho the company pays for it. But then I might change my mind and do this again. I just hate the fasting part. I also have to go to Alturas for this. She was supposed to come to my house but she still is not cleared to drive long distance after knee surgery so I told her I would go to her. I don't eat enough as it is. According to the lady that took the application, I can weigh up to 216 pounds for my height before I would be considered over weight. Told her, no way was I going to put on that much. She was surprised that I only weighed 122# when I talked to her. Since then I have lost 4 pounds since Friday after the 2 hour debaucle with the bank.

So how is little Gonzo? I really want to see him. Joe and Lynn are supposed to come over here for a few days after the 3rd of Feb. Teresa is going to have to go back to Weed for about 2-3 weeks Sunday or Monday as Adam has to go to San Diego to help with his grandmother as she is down there and his mother has to go to Arkansas for a couple of weeks for some sort of emergency. So our trip to the coast is going to be March sometime. I am really looking forward to that. I might just take the Spyder now that it is paid for. Joe is supposedly buying Ben's Bike. They are going to make payments.

Man, this is getting long. One would think that either I am lonely, bored, or just like to talk. Could be all the above. So on that note. You all have a good day and I will write a book again later. I love you guys.

Dick, call and let me know how you are. If you would like to move to CA, Sierra Pacific is still looking for log truck drivers here in Burney. i can get you the number if you would be interested.

Love to ALL!!!!!



Peter said...

Thanks for the update Illa. Though sounds slowly, I'm glad things are coming together for you. All's well up here, nice here, but very cold. Our place is always icy since the sun just touches us a little bit this time of year. But good news today, we're gaining 3 minutes a day of daylight. So Spring is just around the corner (fairly wide corner).

Jim said...

Illa, yes, we're glad that the paperwork is reaping some fruits. I guess there's no better time to think about insurance than before it's needed. Thanks for the newsy blog.

We'll be looking for you in March. Sandi's mom left today so the apartment is vacant again.

Don't tell Peter, but we've had to deal with temperatures of 55* to 72* here in CC. No rain or snow in 3 weeks, just clear skies. Let's see, by the time they leave Colorado it'll warm up 1.72* by the time they leave. What's he complaining about?


Anonymous said...

Hi all, this is Lili, I am back at care giving again, though no pay, when Lisi needs me at night and weekends, relief, the state only pay's for 160 hours, her care provider is great, Lisi is so happy with her, she's great and the team I'd great. Nice to have it, I am going to be getting back working with Jess to clear out the garage, then go from there, also no pay, family, laugh!! Only way it will get done. That is life, it's nice to see sister doing so great.

Also, she is starting to feel the place is her's, also learning to like being alone there, not feeling she needs to have someone there. It's about time, what I'd wanted her to learn.

She is standing up for what she wishes for herself, and moving forward with her life, ahhh!! She is finding out what makes her happy, and how she needs it for herself, not to do stuff just to please others, but to please herself.

She is busy, and great at her program, love to all. I am proud of sister. Love to all. Lili

Anonymous said...

glad to hear little more is coming in. I have been worried but with a teen girl life gets busy. We love you and I will do a better time calling.

Rich has a new hours. so I will be bored every other week. lol daughter drama agian. got to go.............eyes rolling. lol

Anonymous said...

Illa, it is good to hear how you are doing with the details. I'm glad life is beginning to sort itself out for you. I haven't got insurance for me, but as soon as I finish school I plan to look into it. I don't want my kids to have to worry about taking care of my funeral expenses either. Tomorrow I go for my colonscopy...the first one. I've listened to my other siblings who have gone before me and said it wasn't "so bad." I'm sure it won't be, but I hate taking the time to do it!

You guys take care, love you all.

Peter said...

Hey Jim, we really fooled her good!

Jim said...

Shhhh..........until she's done.


Anonymous said...

They really aren't that bad. It is the preparation before hand that I didn't care for. The rest you don't remember. I had it done twice. It is probably time again but will have to wait a bit. Take care.

Love Illa

Unknown said...

You are way too nice Illa. We're just trying to get the old girl sweating a bit.