Saturday, January 26, 2008

Low news day. That's a good thing.

Did you know that cats do yoga? I think that this is called the 'Upward Stare,' followed by the 'Downward Glare.'



Anonymous said...

Actually Jim, we had just been visiting big foot. Speaking of feet, seems you take a lot of pictures of yours. Is it MAYBE you have a foot fetish ?!! hmmmmm?

Peter said...

I just want to go on record, I'd never accuse anyone of a foot fetish. Besides, unlike Jim, those who have that fetish generally aren't enthralled with their own feet. I actually knew a fellow who had a foot fetish; he's now on Death Row.

It's unlikely, but I do hope we never see red toenails on those ugly hairy feet. Hey, stranger things have happened. By the way, I think "he who must not be named", did the last comment. Peter

Jim said...

I don't see my feet anywhere on this post. I see a cat.

But,I will address the many appearances that my feet have made on the blog: I have always found it interesting and somewhat humorous to see photographs in different locations and occasions where there is a recurring prop, i.e. teddy bear, flamingos, etc., and in my case, feet.

I'm too lazy to carry a flamingo or a teddy bear wherever I go and since my feet are always around, I take pics of them. As you may have picked up on, I like taking pictures. I always take a camera wherever I go.

To Peter, no, I am not writing this from prison, jail, or a mental institution.

I don't have to report until next week.

Peter said...

Well, I guess I had you pegged wrong. I've heard that most photo's should include someone in it. I figured you found this the easiest way to do it.

Jim said...

You're right, there's no 'model release' statement to deal with.

Wait a minute, I have to answer the door, there're some guys in white jackets, holding some sort of lace-up jacket and rope in an unmarked van.

Anonymous said...

what is it they use to say? I first to deny .....

Anonymous said...

and if you look at the cat picture, you can see the feet too !!!!!!!!!!!!