Monday, November 10, 2008


Ben and Illa. I know you are on your way to Jims and Sandi' and don't have your lap top but I'm sure Jim and Sandi will be checking theirs. My stepson told me about this product that a scientist discovered that has awesome affects on cancers. You can look it up and order it on the internet and ready different peoples comments on the results they have had with it. It is from the Rainforest and is called: Graviola from the Raintree company. I guess you can order a bottle of capsules for about $20.00. It may be worth trying. People with extreme advanced cancers have had remarkable results. You can punch in either or Graviola for cancers. It is also highly affective for a lot of other illnesses. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great to see you on the blog. Hope your time with Amy was wonderful. Muched love I did not call because I knew you were so loving this time. Did you take pictures, if so put some on the blog, so that we can share the joy with her.