Friday, November 7, 2008

Renewed my license

So i went to the dmv. walked in and realize i forgot my Social Security info. went home and got it.
went back to the DMV and they told me i had to have a copy of my birth certificate. it has to be an original and stamped.
I go home and get it.
So i made my 3rd trip back and finally got renewed.
So i must be getting that thing that you get when you cant remember that thing that you forgot. :)
and so since Ben cant say it...
maybe its time for another colonoscopy.


Anonymous said...

Dick this must be you, as it's that time of year for you and know Jess has the same birthday!!!! Date not the year!

Dick said...

thats right ... i forgot.
see that explains everything. love ya jess:)

Jim said...

I don't know that a colonoscopy can do much for memory, but I guess it's worth a try. No telling what they might find up there. Maybe your lost liscense!

Sounds like the DMV in Oregon isn't much easier to deal with than the DMV in California.


Dick said...

it depends where the brains a kept.
with the cdl they are a little more picky. plus i dont get a hard copy of my license till my info goes to the FBI.

Jim said...

FBI? FBI? Wow, that's quite a background check. I wonder what they do for teachers.

Dick said...

just pay union dues and they are alright. dosnt matter if your a good or bad teacher.
If i reinstated my haz-mat they would go to homeland
security and fbi

Jim said...

Well, I guess that says it all. Become a teacher and you need not worry about those pesky government agencies, but before you get too happy, there are MANY more to take their place.

Anonymous said...

This sounds about like one of my days. Glad you got it straightened out.
