Saturday, November 8, 2008

Norman Nelson

had a wonderful gathering with his friends, his father has never meet them as Norman cut off his connection with his father. Is was wonderful seeing the kids. They are close to Jess and myself and we know that he was loved. His friends are a wonderful group and it was wonderful to share the memory of his life. Jesse and Lili


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good visit under such terrible circumstances.


Jim said...

Wasn't / isn't there an Adventist singer by the name of Norman Nelson? Is this Jess' brother?
Sorry for the pain you're going through.


Anonymous said...

There could be, within the adventist, but no, it was his brothers, son. The girls think it just happened in a time of weakness, as they think he was just going to let the house go, and over to Bend or anywhere else, it's hit us hard as he was so speical. He was 46 or 48. He visited his father a couple of weeks ago, and gave his dad and brother a kiss, said he loved him. Aso, he'd been giving stuff away to others, where he lived and to his friends, so things were in the planning. But that was him, as he was a lot like us, opening up his home, and giving what he could to others... So, with the house as it was, he was going to walk away from it all, and start over. The kids know that they can come to Jess and me, as they don't feel that way with their own dad and grandfather. I was greatful to see their mothers side of the family and the those that love them. As we understand, the issues. Of why it is as it is with the kids. They were so greatful to see us, and know they can turn to us, and know that they will. Gave me a big hug and teased me, so like them. they know that we are there.