Friday, March 6, 2009

click the pic


Dick said...

you may have to wait a little for the video to buffer. then choose view hd video

Peter said...

Now that looks cold. You girls shut your eyes.

Anonymous said...

He is braver than me. That looks really cold. Ben would have been right there with him. I think you ought to join the Polar Bear club.

Bonnie said...

Wow. What a hunk, but I do have to say you sound like a girl when you came up out of the water. Now Peter, all you need to do is put that little pink bikini on him.

Gonzo is getting so big. He has to be one of the most handsome little men you can lay your eyes on. Thanks for the pics.

Rick will be haveing his surgery April 9th and then have to take up to 4 weeks off, then I will be going back on the road with him.
I have spend 2 days with him twice since xmas and won't see him again until his surgery.
Although it is not my choice to go back, (other plans didn't go through). We feel very fortunate that he is guaranteed his job back and that they have agreed to let me come back. They are laying off people left and right and have put a freeze on hiring.

Love ya all. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Anonymous said...
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Dick said...

so i deleated the above post because it made no sense at all.
Peter, i didnt have to test the waters to tell that it was cold.
Bonnie, tell Rick im thinking and praying that all goes well. im sure it will. and gonzo is not only getting big but hes getting more handsome.

Jim said...

Dick said that "you may have to wait a little for the video to buffer," but don't worry, I'm not getting any more in the buff than that. Being there in my teeny weenie greeenies is enough.

Bonnie and Rick, I could not be a trucker. I have to be home more often than that. I applaud you for doing it, and Suzi for do what she does, but it's not for me. I guess everyone has to find their own niche. We'll be thinking of both of you during the surgery and recovery time. And, of course, we'll expect more posts during that time from both you and Rick. Not comments, but posts.

Peter, forget the pink bikini. I don't look good in bikinis. Pursue more honorable endeavors than that, maybe like putting pictures of squirrels on hubcaps or something.

I don't want to sound like a over-inflated egocentric proud grandfather or anything, but I have to agree with the genius perception that Dick is exhibiting, Gonzo is VERY handsome.
From all parts of the globe and all corners of the universe everyone is in agreement; he is a chick magnet. In fact, all females, quake in their Nancy Sinatra boots when they see him...even if they're not wearing them.

Illa, I'd probably be a junior memeber of the Polar Bear Club. Those people are really CRAZY. I'm only a little crazy.


Anonymous said...

I remember doing this at Spirit Lake in cold creek. I remember washing our hair in the creek.

Hey Jim; I could not be a teacher!!

Anonymous said...

Give me a heated pool anytime. I have one across the road that I sneak into once in a while. I just had to promise that I wouldn't get found woke up dead the next morning. You just have to make sure you get the right one. One is boiling.

I have been asked if I wanted to go back hauling cows. They need someone starting in April and goes thru Jan. I haven't checked much into it right now as I am trying to finish things up here. I am sure that I will be kept posted on the info. I would prefer hauling chips as I get to come home at night but the Forest Service has again curtailed the chipping process. Also with the new diesel laws here it is making it hard for the truck companies to follow the new mandates and upgrades. $25,000 minimum to get the engines retro fitted to the new standards. The engines have to meet the specs of the 2007 engines. There are going to be a lot of companies that go out of business because they can't afford that. CA is ridiculous in the stupid laws that they pass. I can understand how they would like to get the older trucks off the road but this is bad business. Good thing I can't afford a truck right now.

So Bonnie, what is the surgery that Rick is getting? I think you told us but I have forgotten. Hope that all goes well with it and that recovery is swift. I am glad that you do well driving with Rick. That has got to be good for the both of you.

Jim, I am not sure when we will get over there. Teresa is still not sure when she will get back here and I am not sure when Easter vacation is and I want to be here with the kids for that. Maybe you guys know when that comes around.

Well, had better git. Don't forget the time change. I have got the clocks all moved now except for the one up high. Got to get the ladder for that one. You all have a good weekend and talk to you later.

Lots of Love for all. Illa

Peter said...

I'm with Illa, give me warm water. I was so spoiled in S.Cal, I wouldn't go in the water until it hit 70 degrees. Now the gulf, that was warm, very warm. Maybe Bonnie and Rick, perhaps Illa, (didn't you come from Tennessee), swam in the gulf. This was near Brownsville TX. Anyway, I suppose, when you gotta swim, it only matters if there's water.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, what surgery is Rick having? Sorry I missed that blog.

Anonymous said...

this was great. thanks for posting. Miss you all. Aunt bonnie hope all goes well and tell uncle rich we love him. I love surgeries. You get good oatmeal and lots of love, flowers and Icecream. lol. people think im weird but I love you

Sandi Hooper said...


I say the "buffer" the better! =) *kissie*...You still look plenty buff to me.

Love you.