Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Jess was up and sit in the chair, quite a while. He is doing great and really up with watching tv, that's a very good sign. Also slept very well, saw the lawyer, and now we have him to see your legal needs and protect Jess. It's great to see Jess doing so great, and he is loving that I am doing what I do for others, and now his needs.

Tinkerbell is going to the doctor to be checked out, and also the shot so she can go into the hosipital to see her daddy, Lisi and her caregiver are taking her in, in the morning. So, Lisi feels she is also doing something for Jess. She wants to be carried all the time.


Anonymous said...

Its good to get a different perspective on the world at times. even if its just by a few feet.

Jim said...

It sounds like everyone is getting good care.