Monday, March 23, 2009

Money Owed You?????

I was looking up something for my mom-in-law, then I got to looking. Lot's of Ben Garcia's out there. A bunch of them are owed money. There was one in Clovis, thought it might be our Ben. Anyway, check your name out: Here is the site that takes you there by State, or click on title above. Be warned, it takes a long time to get your $. Oh, if you get anything, you owe me a donut! (I have no shame) Peter


Anonymous said...

Hey Peter,
Ive seen that too. i think there is a sight that talks about people named Peter Rouzaud that are owed powdered donuts also.

Peter said...

I guess this means I don't get a donut.

Jim said...

Don't despair! Here's a deal that will quickly double what you're asking. You let your fingers do the walking and what ever you find for me, I use it to buy you two donuts. If it's enough I'll buy you two dozen donuts.
Again, it's a win-win for you.
