Friday, March 27, 2009


went up to see Jess this morning. hes feeling no pain. morphine will do that do you. He seems to be in good spirits. again morphine.
he has a broken leg, broken ankle same leg, crack sternum, busted up knee cap in the other leg, and they are keeping an eye on the carotid artery. seems it had some damage, and they dont want it to hemorrhage. other than that hes lucid and aware.
seems he was hit head on at about 45 by another vehicle that was driven by a 80 yr old man.
all in all he seems to be ok. it could of been much worse. keep praying for him.


Illa said...

We are keeping him in our prayers. I am afraid to call as it would make him have to move.

Lueria, when you get to see him and anyone else, give him our love and prayers. We think the world of him. Love to all.

Illa and Teresa

Illa said...

I just talked to Jess. He seems to be in pretty good spirits. He was able to talk for a bit. Described a few things. He will be in for at least a week and a half before they do another surgery. So he will be there for a while. He was awake and alert and knew where he was and was able to tell a little about what happened. He knows that Lili will be in tonight any time after about 11 pm. Their little dog was with him and she is ok. Anyway, I am sure that Lili will find out more when she gets there.

Love Illa

Sandi Hooper said...

Best wishes and thank you for the updates. My heart goes out to Jess and Lili both. God bless and keep you both.

hugs--tender hugs.
