Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's safe now......almost

For pics of Gonzo click the title.

Peter, it’s safe to come down now, you’ll be glad to know that Dick has almost all the wood chopped up. In fact, he said that he was going to leave when he finished with it, so we had to go out and get more wood today.

Actually I wanted to take him to a place that he hadn’t been to before, so we went to a place called Major Moore’s. I’m not really sure if the good Major was a friend or a foe but he sure lived in a pretty location. It’s on the north fork of the Smith River about 25 miles off Hwy. 101 on a gravel road. It was pretty cool. Dick said he wanted to see lightening and thunder while be was here and although we didn’t see any while we up there we did have rain and snow. On the way back Dick probably felt what it’s like to be on the Jamaican Olympic Bobsledding Team…without the bobsled. Yes, I was in a little bit of a hurry.

We had to wait until we got back home before we had the lightening and thunder. By that time Dick was just happy to get back home. I think he may have lost interest in the thunder and lightening. Don’t worry though, it was still a successful day; we got wet. No, Dick didn’t find a suitable place to bathe himself, but he still got wet.

Yes, Sandi and I didn’t celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary last week even though our 30th anniversary was on Tuesday, March 17, we worked. We were going to take the day off, but decided that it would be too much trouble to make up sub plans. Andrew and Rachael came over looking for some sage advice on what it takes to be successful in a marriage. The only thing I could think of was, “Be around in 30 years so you’re there to enjoy it.”


Peter said...

I'm really glad Dick got the wood cut up. My back starts hurting whenever I look at a downed tree.

Congrats on your anniversary. Karen and I have 40 this year. I do hope your boys heed your good advice. Fact is, many don't pay those dues to enjoy the good life. But it does take 'both' partners to pay them.

I like what CS Lewis said: 'Thank God he didn't give me the women of my adolescent dreams'. I can say further, 'Thank God my dreams have changed, and since they've changed, it just so happens, my wife is exactly what I dreamed'.

Sandi Hooper said...

I have to again set the record straight... sorry bun, what you said was so much funnier and so much more profound than what you typed here.

When Andrew asked his dad the secret of a long, happy marriage, Jim sagely replied, "Longevity."

Later though at the restaurant he said, "Selective hearing." I thought Dick was going to snort guacamole at that remark.

Peter, I hope that you and the Mrs. will consider coming down for a visit soon. I have some day old powdered donuts that need eaten up. Could you do that for me, please?

It's been great having Dick here. And we look forward to Illa & Teresa coming over for a couple of days tonight! This is turning out to be a great spring tradition. You're all invited to join us.

Peter said...

You want the WHOLE crowd again. You're nuts! Ya know, I could do with a donut right now, but can't make it. Karen's and my summer schedule is getting way too full. We're planning a road trip to Colorado, then visiting different friends; a couple marriages to go to, and various and sundry activities. Also, we're looking forward to the reunion. Life is busy, ain't it.