Tuesday, March 17, 2009

so this is a perspective of part of the adventure that Jim and i took last weekend.
I got to tell you that i have had a good time while being here. ive seen alot of places and had alot of adventures with my big brother that i would not even imagine i could have. I really dont relish the idea of having to go back to the city at the end of the month, but it has to end sometime. hanging with Jim and Sandi has been a real learning curve for me. oh and today was their 30th. (i think i got that right).
Jim and i have alot of things in common. we both like ice cream ALOT. Chocolate is a staple. We would rather play than do alot of other things. although right now id really like to be working. It dosnt have to be sunny and 80 to enjoy the outdoors. we both drive fords. little dogs have their purpose in this world, not sure what it is though (sorry Bonnie, I love ya anyway). Everyday i see a little bit of him in me. which is cool. Oh and im really glad that cavemen discovered fire.
Oh did i mention that Gonzo is pretty cool too.


Anonymous said...

looks and sounds like you guys had a great time ...

Jim said...

All work and no play is a poor way to spend the day.


Peter said...

Go Ducks! That's what I think of when I see photos like these. Crazy! I guess I'm getting old.

Anonymous said...

Well Dick, don't leave until after we get there. We will be leaving right after work on Sunday. So should be in CC sometime Sunday night. Teresa and I have a stop to make at Patrick's Point on the way up (I think) if not then we will stop on the way down. We will stay at the Crescent Beach motel. I have not made reservations but I am sure that they will not be booked up during the week. We will have to leave Thursday early as I will have to be back at work Friday morning. So will see you all then.

Love to all. Illa and Teresa

Anonymous said...

Oh Dick, I have something for you of Ben's and I want to make sure you get it now while you can still use it. I will bring Jim's thing also. The rest of the family will get things at the reunion.

Love Illa

Bonnie said...

Dick, dont cha know, little dogs poop small, but then it makes it harder to see and easier to step in. It's more fun to play dress up with a small dog, especially little girl dogs. The reason they are called lap dogs is that they can sit on your lap instead of taking up the whole sofa. They eat a lot less, thus the small poop. They are much esier to bath, except Jim, who can bite just as hard as a big dog, but fortunatly no stickes are needed, (so far). And most of all, they take up much less room in a big truck and can be just as threating as any big dog when someone gets to close to your rig. So there, and I am sure there are many more useful things, but I will have to ask Jim and Triscuit. I'm sure they will have prenty to say.

Dick said...

OK Bonnie.
first of all smaller dogs have higher metabolism. they may eat less at one sitting. but i would bet they eat more per day. thats why they are like they are on crack all the time. If your dog had hair, it wouldnt need dressing up. lap dogs only keep your lap warm. big dogs can act as a safety blanket in an emergency. if you threw a small dog in the water it would sink easier than a larger dog because of the amount of water the larger dog displaces. Big dogs hold on when they bite[. little dogs nip. therefore allowing the attacker to possibly get away.
i'll think of some more things later im sure.
i love ya sis. "and your little doggie too".

Dick said...

illa, i will be here. be nice to see you and teresa