Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jess-good night

Jess and I both had a good night, we watched csi, and just hung out. He has increased his water intake, and ready to plan to do something to Rich, Lueria's husband, laugh.....

It was great to see the both of them and hang out with them a little. Rich had the nurses, in stitches, and we had a lot of fun laughing, Jess said he was going to get back at Rich, as I know Lueria and Rich would understand what that is all about.... it worked. HE WAS BUSY ALL DAY, LAUGH.!!!

He was running a fever, but it broke last night, and his let looks better, they are going to work on his arm in the morning, or sometime Wednesday, I don't know what time.

Bud and I are going to see the lawyer today, for me to talk to, then I will come back to Jess and we will talk.

Tinker is upset, and she will eat the cat food and not the dog food, Also the cats and dogs were glad the see me, when Dick drove me out there, to check things out.

I will be renting a car, after I see the Lawyer so that I can do business, and what Jess and I need to do. Also I may stay at the apartment at Lisi with Tinkerbell, so she knows mommy is home, for her also. I also will pickup her papers that she is flee free and has her shots, so she can see Jess and know he is ok, and mommy is with him, working with the staff at the hospital, helping out with her daddy. As she knows her mommy is doing what she does.

I am hiring Dick to help clean the place in St. Helens, and we walked and talked about what to do, he also has a friend to help him, in the removel of what I wish to have removed. We will keep the Trucks, the blk car, mustang and pink car, also Lisi RV that was her friends, (that will be made to sleep in with the kids, so they feel they are camping) otherwise everything will be removed. I will look to have these fixed, (trucks and the blk car)...

Then go through the garage to removed what we wish, and then have, the Pink, and mustang, put on the cement pads pulled onto the cement pads, and a cover put over them. Then work at the garage to clean out, and put in place, what we wish to put in that location,.... Then the house, removing everything into storage, as I will be bringing that into location, so I can have the house fixedup, and remove the inside, what I wish to have done to fix the house for Jess, and his needs. NOW HE WILL LET ME DO IT, LAUGH. Lueria if anyone would understand, hugs

So this is life, now, arm in repair sometime April 1, this next year is going to be an adventure, so life goes on.

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