Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On Death & Dying !

So life goes on ... at times I wonder how we pull one foot in front of another and just keep going with death all around. but we do; and for reasons unknown, I am sure.

A counselor once said, on death; if you do not feel or greive about death, it means you are not human. I find myself human, but not greiving in the way others might. does it mean I am unfeeling, or cold hearted, or just used to death around me or what ?

I am a Virgo. Do we have any other Virgos in the family that might understand what I'm saying?

So I have had my share of death for the last few months; enough already.

My brother-in-law, sister Joyce's husband, died this morning. He was the most recent in a string of passings over the last few months. Mary, my 94 year old client who had lived in this home for 15 years, died on the 1st. A 12 year old friend of the boys died with 3 others in a terrible wreck here a few weeks back. Annie, another client of mine for 3 years died on the day Ben, my beloved brother died. Another resident, Chuck left us on Nov. 1st.

With death so close for so many in my life; it has brought me again to the feeling of such fragility.
Even my grandaughter, Brooklyn has questioned it. She wondered why so many people choose not to have funerals now days. I told her it was partly the cost of them now days.

She told me she wants one. What a terrible thing for a young person to even have to think about.
But how often are we afraid to talk about such things and then if and when that times comes; how many are ready? How many know what another really wants?

When Mary died she, she had no one to tend to her needs. We took her things down. I called everyone she had written to, sent a little letter and a picture to her friends. I called a family member of her step son, who at one time came by to see her; just not over the last 3 years. They actually had the guts to come 'right over' to pick through her things and take what they wanted. But they didn't have the time to visit for 3 years or send a card or call.

Mary had prepaid for her burial in Cali beside her late husband, but with inflation, it didn't cover all the costs. There was no one to pay for her costs. There was no one to pick out her burial clothes. What a sad ending for someone who was so sweet, lived so long and gave so much to others. She was family to us, so I took care of the needed stuff. But death is so sad when one is not prepared or when there is no one to share it with. Eveyone should have someone that cares enough to make sure all is taken care of.

But >>>> I also feel it is so necessary for us to be prepared. No one will really know what anyone wants unless you talk about it, prepare for it and write it down.

Life is so fragile. I do know what I want; but I need to write it all down. I don't fear death, I only fear for those who seem to need me so badly. What will life be like for those I leave behind? Another reason for family to stay close and loving. I know my kids and gr. kids will need the loving support of all. They are strong, but they will be lost for a while.

By the way;

Just a simple memorial .... I'll be cremated.

Everyone MUST wear red and purple and / or animal prints.

I want smooth jazz playing loudly.

I want laughter and fun stories told to remember the best days I shared with everyone.

And mostly I want everyone to know I really lived while I was alive. I worked hard to live good and I gave whatever I had a could to others along the way. I strived to do what was right, even though I was often really screwed up by definitions of right and wrong.

I will leave of legacy of children; loved and they will carry on.

I will not be unhappy to leave this world. It's been a hard life. But a good one as well.

I will insist my kids have my ashes in various containers so I can be with them always; they will hear my voice when they don't eat right or act right; I am sure my ashes will be spilled, swept up or thrown out some day along the way and that's ok, too.

Some of the funnest stories from here are of some of the urns that no one tells us are urns, only for us to find out in some weird way. We dropped them, spilled them and swept them up and replaced the ashes ... So we know there are spirits roaming all over this house. But they fly with the angels that protect us here, so they are in good company. I want to remain with my kids forever in some way. So they will have to just deal with it.

So there you have it. I'm on day 77 of 24/7. I did take 3 days off in early Feb. My body is weary, my brain is overworked but my spirit lives fully intact. So it is true there is life after death, because I probably look like death warmed over.

Sorry my thoughts are mostly on the more serious side life.



Anonymous said...

I think that was great and touching. I still remember the time we rode to walla walla and it was hot. We were in a low car compaired to trucks. You took your top off and wore your bra. When i ask about being worried you said why? it covers more then a bakini top. lol. I still use that line and love road trip. Its about memories. But i have not done the bra thing yet. lol. sorry to hear about Ed. God bless him. Sorry again.

coolchurch.com is where I go to church and they but all the surmins are on the web. Last week it was don't blink.......

It was about how life goes by and the bible says If you can pick a party or a funeral, to pick a funeral. I wish I could have made uncle bens. I regret it. The funeral is show us we all have an ending. And to live life to the fullest.

Not on myspace or facebook. They the average person watches 41/2 hours of tv and 91/2 hours on the computer A DAY! crazy . Me 20 min computer and 1 show a day. I have 4 kids lol.

I will post my thougths of my funeral. :) I don't fear death either. But I can't wait to see God and uncle Ben. And to ride motorcycles with him in heaven.

Peter said...

Suzie; good thoughts. One of my constant prayers, is that I wouldn't forget the perspective I gain during the times when those I love pass on. These are our most lucid times.

Jim said...

With the age of those that you work with I can see that you would have this question on your mind a lot. You’re right, life is fragile. I don’t we should accept death as common, even though it’s as natural as living. I believe that there should be grieving, that is what makes us human, and not just warm cytoplasm. I believe that life is a cycle, a cycle that we are part of. Death has to be as natural as living. Life is the great unknown, the real back of beyond. I accept as true that we have a soul that carries on who we are into the next experience. I think that we are simply souls having a human experience.

I think you’re right too about having our affairs in order so our kids have less of a burden to bear when our time comes. Talking about it is hard, preparing for it is difficult, and writing it down gives it some finality.


Anonymous said...

It does but it give so much relief to the survivors. It made me feel guilty like I was planning it to happen. I have taken this lesson to finish my stuff so that there will be less for the kids to have to take care of. It is amazing that what you think might be simple and straight forward is not. Not by a long shot.

So kids, talk to your parents so that you know their wishes before hand. If possible, have a fund set up so that the final expenses aren't such a shock to the system. You will be so out of it that the Funeral home will try to talk you into oh so much more than you can afford. And, if you can't pay for it after ordering everything they do not and will not release the remains until it is. Cremation is the cheapest way to go but you can still do it on a budget and be happy with your choices of urns. Do not take their word that you can only use their items. NOT SO!!! You can find things that will suit your family members personalities and that you know they would much rather their remains call home and be at peace until the Awakening.

I cannot stress enough of having a Living Trust set up. You can do it yourself without a lawyer and safe a ton of money. If you have one done now then everyone knows the majority of things that will be left to them as long as you still have the same major things like property or vehicles. You can write in individual pages later that are notarized if those things should change. This way gets past probate and your family can figure out is there is something that they may have a disagreement about now. The only time a Living Trust gets to the court state is if there is any contention among the heirs about the division of the property.

It does sound ghoulish but it should be done and you will actually find that there will be less tension in the family if they know that certain things that grandparents or such gave them as child will still remain theirs.

Granted you don't want to spend all your time talking about future happenings but if you all know what you would like on a few things now it sure makes the transition easier.

So take a life lesson from me, if you would, and give your family some peace of mind if the undesirable should ever happen. I wish Ben and I had talked more about things when we knew the inevitable was going to happen.

I love you all. Illa