Sunday, March 29, 2009

I wrote the President:

They've been wanting questions to ask the President. So I wrote him and asked him a couple. The following is what I asked. If I hear back from him, I'll post my response here. (Keep your fingers crossed)

"Mr. President; when you were asked questions by Rick Warren, you were asked about abortion. Your answer seemed a bit disingenuous to me; as you said it "was above your pay grade" to decide on this questions. If you hadn't already drawn some definitive conclusion, would you not err on the side of the baby's life?

And please tell me, regarding late term abortions, do you really believe a baby is somehow substantially different, merely separated by a couple inches of fat, the distance from the womb and outside air?

No Mr. President, your conclusions are counter intuitive. Those of us who think it is wonderful that a black man finally was able to come to the White House, yet are pro-life, need to have these basic questions answered. We must, before we can every really appreciate your success, and support you. To us, your just another politician who thinks that killing a baby hidden from view, somehow solves more obvious problems. Sincerely, Peter W. Rouzaud"


Dick said...

you know that for challenging the presidents ideals and giving your name, that you will now be on his terrorist watch list.
oh, and dont you know that he is only black when it is convenient to him?

suzanne said...

I think it's the white america who calls people black, when they are as mixed as any race; only at their conveience. So why not take advantage of that ignorant way of thinking. My husband is as much Indain as black and my g. kids are as white as black .. but they are classified as black to ignorant people ( black and white ) who see color. Hey I'm a woman and I'll use that to my advantage any time I want. I was given that title so why not ! but I'll be damned if people see me as ' just a woman. that would be ignorant of anyone.

Suzanne said...

By the way; loved the letter and I do hope you really sent it. I am pro-life and not a Democrat. Not a Republican. I do not think pro-life people can really call them selves pro-life with the wars they beleive in. But then we're talking about a whole other level of killing life. I agree with Republicans when it comes to many issues and with the Dem. in others and won't allow a label or party to infringe my right to beleive as I wish.

I do support change & Obama. I do not agree with all his issues.

Just in case I get an argument on my beleifs; wanted to set the record straight. Beleifs are just that. No argument; they are how WE BELEVE and are free to do so because of this country we live in.

Peter said...

Yes Suzie, "beliefs" are kinda like feelings. Someone said, "feelings are neither right or wrong, they just ARE". If one is bigoted for instance, that comes from a belief. You can't just tell them 'get over it'. You gotta convince them. But they can't just come back and say, 'well, that's just my belief'. Beliefs can change with a little more information. Many beliefs are based entirely on geographical/cultural influences. Some, on the other hand, are well thought out. My note to President Obama (which I did send) was an attempt to demonstrate, that a (so called) intelligent person cannot keep falling back on arguments that do not work. If one has an honest 'belief', then it should be supported by logic. If it cannot be supported, then it is simply ideological tripe.

My view on 'black' labeling is, if someone wants to make an issue of it, then it takes on a life of it's own. I really like Bill Cosby's take on that whole issue.

Suzanne said...

I agree with you; I was defending my right to my beleifs; not our government's. They are supposed to represent us the people; their opinions aren't really relevent, in my own opinion of course. That is why they have the sentate , the cabinet and their other government leaders, to balance out to meeet the varous needs of the people.

I just don't agree he is only black when it's convient. I resent that anyone would feel that way; coming from a very mixed family; yes, even ours, as well.

Must be nice to have all white skin ..and live in a tidy white world, but it's not reality. I resent prejudice on all sides and have been right in the middle of it with my very ' mixed ' family. Even my own beloved brother voiced his dislike I married a 'black ' man and that didnot feel good to me at all. And I have a son who was at one time into the skin head movment. So I am very tired of any racial declaration .. sorry if I upset anyone. I'll again keep my opinions to myself; but to my very white brother Dick ..


Peter said...

Now Suzie, retract your claws grrrr. I don't happen to think that President Obama uses the race card very much. But you can see how some might believe he does with statements like this, he comes awful close to it: "Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me,"...."You know, he's not patriotic enough, he's got a funny name, you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

I need to preface the following by saying that, I have no issue with mixed marriages. But I certainly understand those who do. Not everyone grew up as I have, with a mother who continually reinforced racial equality. While living in Frisco, when in the forth grade; of a classroom of about thirty five kids, I was one of three whites. I didn't even know it till I saw a class photo years later! Yet it might be different had I been in New York, or in the South, instead of Frisco. Or even a mostly white environment like Redding.

I too have a belief, that men who 'herd' are destined to remain animals. But the only way to get men to wander from their groups, is give them good reason. And the best reason, is God said we are all the same. Gal.3.28, Acts17.26

Anonymous said...

What is black on the out side white on the inside
and smells bad.

A banana, is Obama a banana?

Anonymous said...

That is a rotten banana.

Peter said...

There is no "white", or "black" on the inside, unless you see yourself, or others that way. God's judgment is based on behavior, whether in line with his standards.

By the way, here is another one of his standards: "....Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people". Acts 23.5

Anonymous said...

Sorry to offend I'm just joking, my bad.

however I'm reffering to the fact that he is as white as I am, and is only black when it's helping him.

Also a ruler is a king, not a President, a president is a leader of a country, and makes no rules.

But sorry I should just keep the jokes to my self.

I hope Obama makes all the rite choices, and will learn to listen to the Republican party as well as Democrats wich is a part I think has been overlooked by him.

Peter said...

Since it is not my nature to let a point slip. And since your justification for your remarks were based on semantics. Here is what the Greek word (the original language that the New Testament was written in) says 'ruler' means. By the way, you can look this up in the Strong's concordance, a Greek dictionary, first published in year 1890: "a ruler, commander, chief, leader". Funny, one of the titles of any President is 'Commander and Chief'.

Just one more point, when this was said in scripture, it was referring to a leader who was far worse than President Obama is perceived to be.