Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dick- Before Procedure

Hey Dick; how ya feeling today? Sore?
yes- taking tylenol
Are you back to work?
probobly tomorrow.
How long do you expect to be out with this, or is it that debilitating?
It sure seems like it would hurt for a while. Is it going to leave a scar?
only a pinhole size if any
Are going to still be able to wear a bikini?
no - i have to stick to my speedo


Anonymous said...

now I need to see another doctor !!! I have burning in my eyes !!

Jim said...

Ahhhhhhhhh.........I'm blind. Change the channel.

Sandi Hooper said...

Peter, please, please let Karen have the keys to your Photoshop program. Does she KNOW what you've been up to in your "office"? I may have to envoke sis-in-law privilege and have a confab with her...

Dick, I think the pink really shows off your magnificent golden tan, but unfortunately, some one gave you a wicked wedgie, dude.

Anonymous said...

I guess we need to be kind. According to Peter, it might be someone finds this attractive? Shame on you Peter !! Know we know you really are a "man of the world" lol

Anonymous said...

little do you all know that, That is me. wow am i Hot or what. i think - or what.