Wednesday, October 24, 2007

L.A. Fires

Talked to our fire camps here in northern Calif.. Only two fires crews left in the north area. All other crews down south. All of my old unit are gone and on the fires there.


other said...

I'm going to a science conference in Long Beach Thurs., Fri., Sat. so I'll get to see the effects, the smoke, at least, of the fires. It's amazing the scope and size of the fires. It encompasses an area 2/3 the size of Del Norte County!!

I'm thinking of trying to motivate my class to do some type of fundraiser to help some segment of the affected population that may be underserved and we may be able to make a difference for. Homeless, pets, etc. Any ideas??

Anonymous said...

I think letters to the burn victims, both civilians and the fire fighters would be good. To get something that tells them they are being thought of can lift the spirit better than things purchased. I know the people that get hurt on fires they go to fight like to get a thank you once in a while better than a thank you from their department. I had a man look me up and send a letter to an old boss of mine thanking me and another man for saving his house. That meant more to me than anything the boss could have done. It meant someone actually was aware I made a differance. I think burn victims need that emotional charge more than anything. Letters are something anyone can send to touch a heart.
Even to the inmates at the state fire camps. They get only $1.00 an hour for what they do and they are not forced to do it. They ALL volunteer for it. This is the first time many have EVER done anything to help someone else and not try to take from a person. You would be surprised at the pride of themselves they feel when tey talk amongst themselves of how they helped save a home. The first time many of them have done good for someone else.

Anonymous said...