Monday, October 15, 2007

Hows Dick???

Who ever hears from Dick first, please pose it ASAP so we can know how he is doing. Wish I was there with you Dick, my heart and prayers have been with you all day as I know others have too. You need to come down and live closer to Suzy and me, boy would you give so much to the ministery Suzy want to start with the homeless and those coming out of prison with no direction in their lives. LOL BJ

1 comment:

Peter said...

The following was my email to Dick, and his response further below
Me: So, are you still alive? How are you feeling? Does it hurt? And the hard question: Which way did they send the probe? (Yuk) Peter

not to much
thru the right side between the lower 2 ribs. i think.
find out the 29th which way to go for treatment or if its even worth worring about the treatment.