Saturday, October 13, 2007

Loving one another

Bonding. One thing about a family that I have always appreciated; and I think this blog represents, and Jim brought it up when he first got the idea of a family blog, and I quote, “A central cyberspace place to post that which interests us or that which others may find interesting informative or maybe even downright annoying. Basically a place to share, vent, and converse.”

So here goes: I figure I am sometimes that “annoying” Jim spoke of, but isn't that what families do? The members of any family may not all agree, however, hopefully they have bonded enough to be able to talk with one another about almost anything. People are supposed to be diverse and varied in their opinions. God didn't make us exactly the same, he created us different for a purpose. This provides checks and balances in every institution, including the family. Supposedly we all have a right to our erroneous opinions.

Once, while at a marriage seminar Karen and I attended, the speaker told us, "feelings are neither right or wrong, they just are". The practical reason for this statement tells me that I can't judge a way a person feels, since they are a product of their life situations. For instance, you can't just tell someone who's depressed, 'hey, cheer up will ya'. Then think badly of them when they can't. By the way, this is really important in marriage; often my wife feels emotional for some really complicated reasons. My job, as her husband, is to do everything I can do to help her feel better. Sometimes that means me leaving the room!

All that to say, let's not imagine that family life is a wonderful series of agreements, that's a fairly tale. In our function of a family we will "annoy" one another from time to time. But that will not be the context of our relationship. The important thing to remember, Family, by God's design is to be there for each other.

Let this be understood, there is no opinion, no doctrine, no relationship, or behavior you can participate in, that will cause me to cease loving you. That is the 'normal' way families are supposed to be. Notice, I did not say 'average'; what God has ordained is "normal". Most of us are living in the "average". I know very little of how most of you were raised, but I do know a little of Jim and Chuck's raising. Some of you have the letters I scanned that were from Helen to Betty, mom to Helen and so on. If you read these letters you'll see that unconditional love is possible. Helen showed us this. Look at your own love of your children, you love them regardless. That is fairly natural and easy to accomplish, it gets a little harder with brothers and sisters.

Many of our family, not having gone through the formative bonding years of our youth, we're going to have some times of testing, but that's OK. God will get us through. The important thing, is to never give up on each other. Peter


Anonymous said...

not that anybody will care thats why i posted here.
but tomorrow i go in for a ct guided liver biopsy. they do this to reduce the risk of any bobos that can result in a fatality because of the procedure.

Peter said...

RESULT IN FATALITY!! We'll be praying for you. What time is the procedure?

Jim said...

Good points. The important thing is to keep the lines of communication open so we can make up for lost time. To recognize our past together, and forge our way into the future together.


Anonymous said...

Good blog, Peter. It is important for us to remember unconditional sweet daughter-in-law was reminding me about that just last week. Gi

Jim said...

Peter, Your not trying to take my title away from me are you?
I've worked long and hard for "The Annoying One" title and I won't let it slip away from me easily. You'll need to be much more blatant to steal it away.

Jim said...

Correction: Peter, You're not trying to take my title away from me are you?