Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ben update, Sat. August 16

7:00 pm, Saturday, August 16, 2008
I just finished talking with Illa. She had gone back Bieber to attend to some duties at home. Illa had been with Ben since Wednesday, after taking him to Mercy Hospital (rm. 104B) in Redding because of the stomach pain that he was experiencing. We all know that Ben is a very macho kind of guy, so it must have been bad. He had complained about not feeling well since helping BJ with some moving over the weekend. Ben had attributed the pain to a strained muscle. What the doctor found out was that there was some type of bowel blockage.

Illa said that the tests this morning also confirmed that his Potassium was "critically low." He had been receiving Potassium once a day since being in and today the heart doctor upped the dosage to four dosages per day. He is receiving this through an IV.

He had a vacuum tube placed through his nasal cavity into his stomach just prior to us being there on Friday afternoon. This was inserted in hopes of vacating the blockage that was believed to be the cause of his discomfort. The matter that was being pulled up (150 cc) determined to be blood and not just digestive matter.

This morning, Saturday, for the first time there was blood in his urine. With the present swelling of the stomach, x-rays cannot determine where the blood may emanate from. Illa infers that the blood may come from an ulcer or possible bleeding from the intestines.

With Ben's present heart rate he is not a candidate for a pacemaker. During his last surgery his heart rate went down to about 20 BPM and they had trouble reviving him, so they want to be extra careful this time.

According to the last MRI in Dec. 2006 it was determined that the cancer had spread to his lungs and liver. Also, there was a tumor in his abdomen. Illa believes that this may be the cause of the present problems; possibly pressure, bleeding, or leakage or even growth into the affected organs.

The doctor has changed his pain medication. It is in addition to morphine, and is not self-administered but given every six hours. He still gets morphine every three hours so you can tell he is in a lot of pain.

Illa says that Ben would probably appreciate phone calls as she cannot be back there until Monday night at the earliest. He does not want people to see him unless you are making a trip this way. At the present time Illa says that he will be a minimum of five days, but possibly as much as ten days in the hospital, and that is without the surgery. With these new complications, she really expects it to be more in the ten day range possibly longer.

Ben does have a cell phone, but no charger. Illa said that he will have his phone on at 8 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m. for an hour at those times every day if you have the time to call him…with happy upbeat news.

(Illa) says, just know that Ben loves you all and that he was really glad to see you all at the reunion. We thought last year was going to be the last and he was happy he made it for another one. He has plans to see you all at the next one as long as it is at the ocean which is his favorite place. Can't keep him down as he is very strong minded. So just know that he will be there whether it is in body or spirit.

Try not to call Illa at home after 8:00 p.m.

Ben's cell: 530-260-0228
Illa's cell: 530-260-0876
Home: 530-294-5829

My home number if you have questions: 707 464-5659



Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the update on Ben. I am sure Illa is grateful for the help to make sure we all know what is going on. It is so distressing to think of him going through a lot of pain again, but I agree with you that he is very strong minded and I know his family will help him endure.

I called Lisi today and she sounded good. She was aware that Ben is in the hospital. I then called Lili because I am hoping she and Jess can stay here when they come down for Jess's relative's anniversary celebration.

I hope the rest of you are doing well. I think of each one of you always and love you very much. Love, Gi

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update Jim. im kind of glad that i just missed them when i was in bieber. i probobly would not have made it home and would have had to route to redding.
ill make sure i call him tomorrow. i think ill try to call illa also.


Andrew Hooper said...

Thanks for the update.

Should we buy Ben a charger for his cell phone or is he deciding to only keep it on for 3-hours per day for a different reason?

Let me know what type of phone he has and we can get a charger...

Peter said...

I got him by calling Mercy hospital and asked for him: 530- 225- 6000, he's got a phone in his room. PnK

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the update on Ben. I am so sorry tomhear that he is in so much pain. I'll try to call him and Illa tomorrow. Love ya all