Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Lis told me some good news today, as she spoke to them. She's going back to her apartment in a few weeks, and they are looking at retraining her to work. She's been following the program and they are working really well on her issues and how she want to have her life for her. She's under the greatest team, and she will be lined up for the goals that she will be working with, with those in her team and care. It's great!!! She does need to be retrained and I know what a great person she is in going for these goals. Also she is looking forward to seeing about working in something with Bonnie and Rick, as we shared so much we enjoyed growing up.

Rick and Bonnie, she said to give you her love and is looking forward to when you come to Washington, State. I know it's a great place to work for and from. She wants to work with the both of you, as she feels she shares so much that we love so dear. She wants to get back into the music of her childhood, and yes... she does have a beautiful voice. Also she's planning on working at her music on the piano, Glenda, you know how much she loved it, when we were children.

She's looking to some fun time, and I want to see this. I know that she's close to the Lange boy's and yes, Bob, she does think of you. WE the four of us had a great time together when we could, and she does miss the years we did not have with Bonnie. Bonnie would be the best gift to her and for the support she wants to move forward in her life. She is looking to the time when Bonnie and Rick come, also she is looking forward to joining her brother's and sister's in the goals she wishes with support that she wants to live her life and how.

We are looking at fixing the place in St. Helens for the special needs and a B&B, to connect to Portland and Washington. So, we have connection to Portland, also Lis has special friends in Longview as I also have those to.

I look forward to the new doors that will open and Jess is looking forward to working with Rick and Bonnie, in the creative area that we all love, motor bikes and all. We may be slowing in our old age, but it doesn't mean we stop living, just needs to make some adjustment's. We are going to create a place where we CAN be in our own place, have the assertive needs built in, if need be. We do have friends that are and can step in for the nursing needs in these locations and will have this created for the locations and also for those that may come in later.

All I wish to see is the love and all grow between Lueria and sis, also Bonnie feels the need to connect with Lueria as she is so special to her. I know the fun we had when Lueria, Lisi, Amy and Bonnie and they also included me, thank you, in those times we shared together. I love see this connection coming back. She so has a special love to Lueria, and Lisi and I love to see this.

I can be aunty, and sister, how great that is. Lueria is so wonderful with her family, and I know that at times she does feel guilty, but we understand her busy schedule, and she knows that if she needed my support, I'm there. Bonnie wants to be there for Lis, for the love she has for Lueria so that I can be just auntie, one way or another we'll get the family back, (Rick and Bonnie), laugh!!! I love you Lueria,.... we are so lucky to have you in this family. Your mom and I are so proud of you, all you know we are. Rick, you are family here in this group, don't forget it!!!! Ben, thanks for all the love I know you share wish Lis, as you understand this with Lis,and you. Bonnie is like that with Lis, being a twin is so special to. But also it is life long, she wants to see you, if you are willing when she can. She sends her love.

Love to all Aunty and sister


Anonymous said...

I hope that Lisi gets to do what she enjoys and makes her happy. It would be good for her to be active with something. Working and doing can help more than anyone would guess.


Anonymous said...

Lil, thanks for the update. I will look forward to more news on all of your future plans. Illa, I agree with you that working and doing is very important. I don't ever plan to retire! Just work differently!!

other said...

Thank you Illa, she does wish to see you and we, Jess and I, want to bring her down to see the both of you. I am keeping her posted. I will give her a call today, and the staff do know what is going on. They have the blog address, to keep up todate, so they can be supportive of Ben, as they know how close the two of them are. All I wish is to have what Lis wishes in her life, just as you know Ben likes. that is so important, as you give up, if life as you wish is removed. She does want Bonnie and Rick, to do her care down the road if she wishes. Bonne and Rick helped with the Lange's, so are quite quaified, and if they need training are will to do so, I myself, was there only to stand up for my sister's right's, with the team taking care of her, at their request. They still depend on me, to keep them aware with matters,.... for them, it will be nice to be just a sister. She has such a wonderful team, and they do not with her to be removed for the State of Washington, I am to return as soon as I find a place, as requested, not to her, but by the state, to protect my rights also. I will do so, I did move my address over here, so I could vote. I will move close to Bonnie and Rick as we have plans in our work, aalso use the house in St. Helens, for the work too. Bonnie and Rick want to move to Washington as that was where we were connected as children. We are looking for a lot of fun in our work, as we slow down, but still live the life we share. Bonnie would be great for Lis, as both are quite, and they share so much together, that they agree with,... Bonnie, wants to give me a break from Lis, and she'd be great, as both Lis and Lueria are so special to her. Like you and the kid's are to me and Jess. Suzy is special to me also, she's so busy with her own family and life, her gift's, to life she has found. That is great, also she does see Lueria more and her children and Lueria are close as it should be. I love the way Lueria is with her family and want her to be there 100
%, as she is, Lisi and I agree with her, that she comes first with her family. We are trying to reconnect, to have fun with family. Lisi, should be Lisi time, if she can work and have the life she wishes, then I do agree. If she does not have it followed, this I will disagree.She has her family and friends, I'd pull them in, if I had to and they'd be there for her. Her life is in Washington, she's been happiest there. She also knows how close I am to you and Ben, she does want me free, and for her I would be doing as she request's for Ben. So, Illa at her request, I come to you and Ben, for anything, if you need me. She would come if she could, so know this. That is why, I've been removed and her team of Dr.s, know this. She's doing so great, and putting in a new life, she does not need me, she did, but know she's where we have her better, up and around, improved. Ben would agree with me about Lis and would be there to fight for her rights, as we know. Those two are so alike, it's great to see, and a pleasure to back the both of them up. Love Lili