Friday, August 8, 2008

Newest Project

This is our latest project. It is a jacuzzi bath tub. We got the tub for half price because of freight damage on one of the front panels so we cut out the panel and will make a whole front panel. We still have to put in the sheet rock and the finish stuff but it works. It is really great. Really helps the muscles and bone aches.

Ben and Illa


Anonymous said...

Illa lets me use it even !!

Peter said...

Nice. Nothing like a good deal that is actually useful. This past winter was the first where the winter really got to my aching bones, we've been thinking about one too. Got to keep up with the Garcia's!!!

Anonymous said...

The only way to do it is to keep a lookout for bargins. The tub was $800 but we got it for half price because it was damaged. It was only cosmetic. The other parts like the drain and faucets and the heater was full price. The labor to install was $256. So it cost all together about $1,150. it is well worth it at just about any price. To hav had one put in when we ordered the house would have cost $2,500 and we knew we could get something cheaper later. It will take time to get the house just the way we really want it but that is ok. It will be great when done. Not too much left to do except finish the wood stuff and put in a couple of closets. Illa

Jim said...

I'll be right over and fully test it our for you. As the owners you shouldn't have to do that. MIght take me a while to run all the tests...days even.

Peter said...

Yeah Jim, good therapy on your hernia. Peter

Sandi Hooper said...

We got a infrared sauna last year for our birthdays and it's really good for aches and bones too. I was amazed at how well it works, and enjoyed being toasty and roasty all last winter. It uses the same amount of electricity as a hair dryer (except, I don't dry my hair for an hour at a time!). I highly recommend it.

Peter said...

Hey Sandi, how about a link to the type you got.

Anonymous said...

I got to admit, it is nice to turn the water on with my feet !! Much easier than having to get up to do it !!!
Did I mention I am lazy ?!

Peter said...

Ben; being dextrose is not the same as lazy. Is an octopus lazy for being able to reach things with it's feet? There is a code I live by, "give the hardest job to (who appears to be)the laziest man, he'll find the easiest way to do it".

Jim said...

You mean to tell me you are ambidextrous with your feet too? I thought pitchers were pretty fortunate to be able to pitch with both hands! Next you'll be juggling with your feet.
BTW, we got our sauna at Home Depot. I'm not sure what the brand it is, but it does work pretty well.