Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm starting to anticipate donuts


Anonymous said...

A meal on a plate !!!! Jelly filled YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I can't wait for Obama to announce. Do you remember - Jim is getting us all a dozen donuts if he looses the bet.

Jim said...

As I recall, there wasn't anyone else that took me up on the wager...except Peter, or is Peter saying that he's willing to share a dozen donuts with everyone if I lose? Think this one through, Peter.


Peter said...

I was hoping you had a bad memory.

Jim said...

I may have a bad memory for a lot of things, but not when it comes to donuts

Peter said...

I didn't think Green people knew much about donuts. They remember things like Obama, tofu, sprouts, and what a perfect President Bill Clinton was. Your an aberration!

Jim said...

Sorry to disappoint you, but the only things I know are a lot about donuts and a little about Obama. Do you really think he was perfect?