Sunday, August 24, 2008

Time with Ben

Just wanted to let you all know that we made it up to Redding. Teisha came up with me and you should have seen Ben's face brighten up when he saw her! Like Illa said he seems very weak and so small in that great big bed.

Dick was feeling like it was time to get something to eat, his blood sugar had dropped and I could tell that he needed to get something to eat pretty quick. After we came back from dinner we found that they had taken Ben to "Nuclear." They said the Dr. had been in and decided to have a few tests run. He was gone for about an hour and a half and then they changed all his bandages and cleaned him up for another hour and a half. I waited until about 7:30 and sat with him for a half an hour but he was pretty tired. I just wanted to sit there with him and share the quiet time. As Illa said, he did walk around a little, but the nurse said not as far as he went the other day.

It was great to Suzy and Darrell as we were going in to the hospital. It was so sweet of her to get a journal for everyone who visits. She is so thoughtful and shared sweet thoughts of their times together. It was a pleasure to add my two cents worth and I hope Suzy's thoughtfulness will be a blessing to Ben, Illa and the kids. These couple of weeks I have had so many memories of Ben going through my mind. I remember when I was a kid and I would see Ben at church, running around being a kid and I would be thinking, "there is my brother and we don't live together. He is my brother and we live in different places." As a kid I remember thinking there was something very wrong with that. I feel blessed that the Lord left Ben in Redding with the Rosses so I could have someone to feel connected to! What is even better is that I know that Ben and I will be able to live together again in the same town where there will be no more pain and suffering.

Illa, thank you so much for the nice room. I will make sure the key is back where we got it from and we are leaving some money by the microwave. I hope work went well for you and I hope you will take care of yourself. I agree with Bonnie, the Jule Andrews song was great!

Well, guys, its been a good weekend seeing a lot of family. Did I mention that we got to see Lil and Jess? Their "children" were well disciplined and were fun to have around. We have all of you in our prayers. Love, Glenda


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you guys made it. I know it is good for Ben. Especially someone else to check up on him. I am also glad that Dick made it. That was one of the questions that I asked Ben and he couldn't remember if he saw him or not. He talked some strange things that had nothing to do with anything. Like so and so, never could catch a name, was having trouble doing something and something about a business, couldn't catch that either, just knew it didn't have anything to do with us or anything that we have ever done. Thank you for coming. All of you. That is a good idea about the journal. When he gets to where he can read it, I took his glasses home, he will be glad to see who made it. I love you all so very much and thank you for all the support.

Well, time passes so fast. I still haven't done much on the list of things to do here that I wanted. Just got to the stuff that needed doing right away. I need to get to sleep. Last day of work for a few days tomorrow. Sleep well everyone. Talk to you tomorrow.

Love Illa

Sandi Hooper said...

We got to see the newlyweds briefly on their way back to Springfield. Geez those two look like kids in love. Thanks for stopping by and giving us the update.

Today we have to go back to being responsible adults like the rest of you. I'll have to pack Jimmy his lunch in his spiderman lunch pail now and press his school outfit.

I hope we can come see you Illa and help you with the zucchini and corn situation!!!

Anonymous said...

Sandi, I was wondering when you and Jim were going to have to go back to work. I hope you and Jim have the best school year ever! Love you guys. Glenda

Anonymous said...

Sandi don't forget to hold his hand as he walks out the door.
Seeing and being with ben was hard, but good. I knew that he would be tired today with so much going on. It was just good to be able to sit with him for awhile.
