Friday, August 29, 2008


Jess and I are going to see Lis Saturday, and I am going to ask if Lis can go on the blog and post to Ben, with everything that is going on. So keep your hopes up, talked to Bonnie today, they are heading all over the place with their loads, having trouble with the loads to connect with delivery to locations and can't find one going your way Ben and Illa. We talk each day, as it's easier on the road with her connection. All of you, if you can Call Bonnie, at the hospital to talk to Ben or Illa, so she can talk, she would understand if Ben was sleeping.

I love you all, I know what Illa is going through, as that was my work in Portland, while I lived there, and working with the Doctor's I worked for. It's not easy AND I am glad Illa you are there to see what's going on. I know that they do not always catch what we see, when we work and are with someone all the time. My work was hospice in the home, and working with people, that had multi. Doctors. I loved the people that I worked with, and the Doctors were the greatest.

I look forward to when I can go into some other line, but they know if any of them called me, I'd step in for them. They were quite aware of my training as the family is not aware. That is why Jess has more understanding, as he said, it's something he could not do. That I understand.

Love Ill, you and the families are so special to me, as I do not have family but Jess. I do and am working on stuff, at this time. Pray that it works out, for the future. God has blessed me and I see this, I love and look forward to where He will direct. If all goes I will be busy, Jess wants and understands, I may need to travail again, he wants to stay home. I will support him in what he wishes and he knows this. We do have a special connection Jess and I, so you all understand, we love you all. Lili

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lili; I ahve to remind you .. you ahve lots of family; we are all here and love you! I am sure youm meant kids .. well God had a plan when he saved you from KIDS !!! You have been tehre for all of us anytime we have needed you and any time. Thank you... and you were there for Luaria all her life, the best you could be.